Monday, June 19, 2006

"Oplan Bantay Lozano" is on

Monday Bullets:

  • "Operation Bantay Lozano" is begins today.

  • The Senate reports that there was massive cheating in the 2004 elections that benefitted Arroyo. And it was ISAFP who did the wire-tapping. The Inquirer wants a full disclosure from the administration, not gag it's officials under the EO 464 rules.

    The admin allies and it's apologists strike back. Conrad de Quiros comments

  • Arroyo got heckled again while visiting the PGH. Some of the UP students were charged.

  • MLQ3: "The President is worth 79.28 million; her son has increased his net worth from 50,000 pesos to 76.53 million in 13 years. Punzi seems amazed at the President’s ability to increase her net worth by about 4.6% a year."

  • PDI Editorial on people like Justice Secretary Raul Gonzalez and Gen. Palparan taunting the ex-Rebels to go back to the hills:

    This is a grave setback for the country’s democratic project. Instead of welcoming above-ground political participation, Palparan officers see no difference between communist rebels and those who have left the armed struggle; by accident or design, they want to drive ex-rebels back to the hills. (It also explains the cowardly silence of politicos like Speaker Jose de Venecia, who once spoke eloquently of the virtues of engagement and the parliamentary struggle.)

    I wouldn't be surprised if some of arroyo's leftist critics, who are being targetted and harassed now by Arroyo's military and police, would take up armed rebellion against arroyo, and would only return to active civilian/political participation once the fake president is gone.

  • Estrada wins "cleanest" human rights record - Bayan Muna

  • DOJ Sec. Gonzales claims ANOTHER rightist group behind spate of blasts. In other news, another lefty militant assassinated, this one a media officer from KMU.

  • Mike Defensor: "It’s a terrorist act by those who want to bring down the Arroyo government."

    Sabi ni Ellen Tordesillas:

    "Destabilizers" have now been promoted to "terrorists."

    If wanting to oust Arroyo, because she cheated in the 2004 elections, is terrorism, then former President Cory Aquino, former President Estrada, former Vice president Teofisto Guingona, the Hyatt 10, all the congressmen who signed the impeachment complaint last year and those who will be signing the complaint this month, and the majority of the Filipinos who want her to step down, are terrorists.

  • Lito Banayo says that the police have been reduced to becoming GMA's private bodyguards.

  • Rina Jimenez David reviews "United 93"

  • Malou Mangahas joins GMA News and Public affairs

  • NYT's Nick Kristof on China's "justice" system:

    "With President Bush on the ropes, the most important person in the world right now may well be President Hu Jintao, as he presides over 1.3 billion people and the rise of China. But while China is one of the great successes on the world scene, Mr. Hu increasingly looks like a loser."

    Read More.

  • Brad Pitt won the rights for Zombie war film:

    The production labels of the two stars -- Pitt's Plan B and DiCaprio's Appian Way -- were engaged in a competitive bidding war through their respective studios, Paramount Pictures and Warner Bros. Pictures, over an upcoming zombie horror book by Max Brooks titled "World War Z."...

    In 2003, Brooks wrote "Zombie Survival Guide," which explained in great deadpan detail how to survive a supposedly impending zombie apocalypse. The book went on to become a surprise cult hit.

    "World War Z" also tackles the zombie genre but is set 10 years after a great global zombie epidemic and is a serious oral history of the zombie future told from many perspectives around the world. Crown Publishing is putting the book out in the fall.

    As a fan of Zombie movies, I can't wait to watch this one.

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