Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Bunye hits at opposition for for being deadma

Malacanang criticizes the opposition for being "unusually quiet" on foiled Sona ‘sabotage’ plot:

Malacañang yesterday criticized the opposition, which “seem to be unusually quiet” after the government claimed it had thwarted an alleged plot to sabotage President Arroyo’s State of the Nation Address (Sona) by blowing up the Batasan building in Quezon City.

Press Secretary and concurrent presidential spokesman Ignacio Bunye, in a statement, said instead of renouncing it, the opposition has been uncharacteristically tight-lipped on the alleged conspiracy that could have triggered widespread implications for the country.

“The authorities have aborted a plot to bomb Congress during the Sona and we are surprised that the opposition seems to be unusually quiet on this dark plan instead of renouncing it,” he noted.

Sabihin mo na, it's because they're part of the conspiracy to bomb the Batasan, diba Mr. Two-discs bunye?

But maybe they didn't have much opinion about this "terror plot" because most right-thinking people don't believe every information or claim the administration is feeding the public.

Ninez comments:

Press Secretary and presidential spokesman Ignacio Bunye — he of the “I have two ‘Hello Garci’ discs” — Sunday slammed the opposition, which he said is “unusually quiet” after the government claimed to have aborted an alleged plot to sabotage Gloria’s State of the Nation Address (Sona) through a planned bomb attack.

Bunye, as reported, said instead of renouncing the plot, the opposition maintained silence on the alleged conspiracy that could have triggered widespread implications for the country. Note that Bunye used the word renounce instead of denounce, which if one knows his English language, knows there is a bit of a difference. One has to do with condemning, the other to do with disclaiming or rejecting — in this case participation in the alleged plot.

As he put it, “The authorities have aborted a plot to bomb Congress during the Sona and we are surprised that the opposition seems to be unusually quiet on the dark plan instead of renouncing it.”

On the one hand, why should Malacañang expect the opposition to “renounce” or disclaim that which had not been charged formally by the Palace or even by the military as even the identities of the alleged opposition personalities have not even been released? Why disclaim or renounce involvement or the plot itself when clearly they have not been identified, nor has the plot been proved?

Those personalities whom former Middle East Ambassador Roy Señeres mentioned in his interview with a newspaper, quickly disclaimed knowledge and participation in the withdrawal of support message of Brig. Gen. Danilo Lim. That was the right step to take.

On the other hand, why should any of them, or even the opposition members denounce the bomb plot when, to set the record straight, this has not only not been proved, but has not even been officially claimed by the military and police brass?

It will be recalled that all that were presented to the media were a blueprint of the Batasan complex and some explosives. Given the penchant of the authorities to plant evidence, there can’t be any certainty that the raiding and arresting team did not plant these pieces of evidence. After all, when lawyers demanded to see the arrest and search warrant, the brass failed to produce them. Besides which, since they claimed to have this search and arrest warrant, why didn’t they go about it the right way, such as have someone witness that which the authorities found and took away with them, as “evidence?”

So sorry na lang if most of the public are deadma about this latest terrorist/coup/destabilization plot against arroyo.

Related: More from the Tribune Editorial: Manufacturing more evidence

Not surprisingly, neither Malacañang nor the military-police brass could come up with the list of the alleged civilian financiers of the claimed Feb. 24 coup, despite claims made by the military brass of the renegade officers’ cooperation in identifying them.

The reason for their failure to do so is simple. The way the Palace and the so-called intelligence groups go about preparing their list is all based on their usual suspicions that, however, they cannot substantiate with hard evidence, which is why even as they file cases against their usual suspects in court, these are, in the end, deemed by independent courts as “weak” cases.

For Gloria Arroyo and her cohorts, all they do to get a case going is get people to execute perjured affidavits claiming that they either witnessed or heard about the alleged crime. Despite hearsay and perjured evidence presented by government paid affiants, the complaints/cases flourish because Malacañang and its Justice department make sure that their prosecution arm, along with the fiscals — is under their control and thus elevates the case to the courts even when there is absolutely no probable cause.

As for some of the lower courts, which are hardly seen as independent, they too play along with Malacañang and allow the case to drag on and on, instead of promptly dismissing it, despite its being clearly an extremely weak case.

In the meantime, the accused, especially in cases where Gloria and her aides want them out of the way, are slapped with charges without bail, and the courts, even when there is clearly no probable cause, go along with this and deny them bail.

What happens next is inevitable. The accused are quickly detained while the Palace and media propaganda mill get going in trying and convicting them by publicity. In the meantime, the cases drag on and on, while the accused rot in jail.

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