Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Jamby a Commie sympathizer?

Justice Secretary Raul Gonzales accuses Sen. Jamby Madrigal of treason for meeting with the Reds in Utretch, Netherlands. Gonzalez also said the meeting further bolstered the government’s position that an "unholy alliance" existed between the opposition and the communist party.

Neal Cruz puts some sanity on this issue:

Which brings us to Sen. Jamby Madrigal talking to CPP leaders Jose Ma. Sison and Luis Jalandoni in the Netherlands. Malacañang wants the Senate to censure Madrigal for meeting with them and signing a communiqué calling for peace talks between the Philippine government and the CPP-NPA and the National Democratic Front (NDF). What’s wrong with that? What’s wrong with talking peace and trying to find a solution to the age-old communist problem? While the two sides are talking, fewer Filipinos would be dying of bullet wounds.

Former senator Loren Legarda also went to the Netherlands to talk with Sison and Jalandoni. House Speaker Jose de Venecia did the same thing, if I am not mistaken. Nobody censured them at the time; on the contrary, they were praised for trying to find peace. Given the chance, Ms Arroyo herself would jump at the opportunity. So why is Madrigal being excoriated for her efforts?

The reason is that Malacañang and pro-administration leaders were beaten to it. The reason is that the administration is in the grip of the extremely rightist Gonzalez twins (Raul and Norberto) and the rightist generals who think that all they need is enough guns and bullets and the enemy would be wiped out.

The admin is willing to talk peace with the MILF, but not with the commies, Arroyo's old pals from 2001?

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