Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Time to finish off "destabilizers" and "power grabbers"

Monday Gloriagate Bullets:

  • Erap files P30-M civil libel vs Joelle Pelaez

    The defeated beauty contestant, Joelle Pelaez, isn’t going to get away with her lies and her malicious charges, with deposed President Joseph Estrada reiterating his determination to file not just civil and criminal libel against her, but has also prepared a case of malicious prosecution against Pelaez.

    Pelaez filed two days ago, a case of estafa against Estrada, claiming it was through his enticement that she had lost two condomi-niums, which she said were worth P20 million.

    Her affidavit, however, was hearsay not substantiated with evidence.

    Bank and court records, showed that Joelle had defaulted on a P5 million bank loan, with United Coconut Planters Bank attaching the two properties and later, with the Apellate court’s nod, auctioned the properties amounting to less than P4 million.

    The detained leader is set to file P30 million criminal and civil libel suits against Pelaez and her mother, Blanquita who has been convicted of estafa by a Makati City Regional Trial Court. There is a warrant of arrest against her after jumping bail.

    The others who are included in the libel suit are the publisher, editor and a reporter of Manila Standard Today.

    The former chief executive will also file a case of malicious prosecution against the younger Pelaez.

    Sigh. Like mother, like daughter.

    And remember Christine Herrera? Hindi ba noong 2001, siya yung Inquirer reporter na pumunta sa US kasama si Blanquita Pelaez at Victor Corpus para maghanap ng "ebidensiya" sa "hidden billion $$$ bank accounts" ni Lacson? It was a hoax. but the PDI never apologized for their fake story.

    (btw, christine... bakit bigla kang nawala sa PDI a few years ago? Hindi ba star reporter ka ng PDI? seeking greener pastures ba? so lumipat ka sa manila standard? ;) )

    Ngayon, nasa Manila Standard na siya. At si Joelle Pelaez naman ang source ng "exclusive" story ni Ms. Herrera against another opposition personality. LOL.

    More here:

    This also-ran beauty pageant contestant just went through the motions of filing a so-called estafa case against Erap and then flew back to where she now lives without bothering to wait for a preliminary investigation that requires her presence.

    Her filing the case was only meant to pacify her handlers, who must have paid a fortune to bring her back to the country and not get their money’s worth.

    This “thank-you” girl (those are the two words you get if you want to be queen or something and not measure up to the beauty standards of “World,” Universe” or “International”) left her friends — among them Gloria’s niño bonito Defensor, who had admitted to being one — holding the bag.

    Her drumbeaters had announced through an administration-friendly broadsheet that she was coming home precisely just to file money-laundering charges against Erap, but what do you know?

    No case over the charges was filed, causing a lawyer of the detained president to ask “where the money-laundering angle that (this accuser or whatever) has been mentioning since her telenovela was first published in May” in that newspaper.

    The same broadsheet has since shut its mouth and understandably will have to plead amnesia at the mention of the ML word.

    Manila Standard Today po ang broadsheet na tinutukoy dito.

    Read this too.

    From Ernie Maceda:

    Tidbits. The best proof that Malacañang had something to do with Joelle Pelaez’s charges is the fact that a three-year-old outstanding warrant of arrest for a conviction for estafa was not served on Blanquita Pelaez, Joelle’s mother. Add to the fact that the mother and daughter team were shown on TV as having met with Ilocos Sur Gov. Luis “Chavit” Singson. Also, an admission by presidential chief of staff Mike Defensor that they had met and that the Pelaezes were his long-time friends...

  • Sino sino kaya ang mga ito? From Lito Banayo:

    A fellow cabinet member traveled all the way to Baungon in mildly cool Bukidnon to break bread with Virgilio Garcillano last July 5. Maybe to regale Garci with the tale of Madya-as, and the confederacy he would soon launch with Little Mike. Or maybe to ensure Garci would be around to help him "win" in the 2007 elections. With him paying fraternal respects to the undeserved title-holder of master of electoral cheating (undeserved because Comelec insiders claim it’s someone else, and Garci is just a runner-up) was Prospero Pichay (Garci’s alleged pilot) and Bobby Dimaporo whose family lords over one-half of the undisputed capital of electoral cheating (in Quirino versus Laurel, it was the undivided Lanao. Bobby is congressman for Lanao del Norte.)

    Someone who did not attend Garci’s birthday bash, but was duly represented by the Comelec director for another cheating field in Mindanao, is another Defensor confederate in Madya-as. He is scion to a political dynasty which controls the politics of Agusan. Once upon a time they were fiercely loyal to Erap. Now, but for one who was an original in the impeachment complaint against GMA, they all swear for the Doña.

    Will Madya-as Defensor kindly explain why one fine Friday in June, his fellow Madya-as Nazzer Pangandaman of DAR flew hastily to Cagayan de Oro, to meet Garci? And why, an hour later, in a private plane, he himself flew to mollify Garci? El Jefe de Malacañan, el niño bonito de la Doña, to mollify a "feeling-betrayed" Garci?

    But apparently the panjandrum of Hello Ma’am, the keeper of the secrets of Comelec, could not be mollified by mere niño bonito. There, with all his accomplices in the Batch of 2004, election supervisors and registrars threatening to disclose all, Garci demanded El Jefe Real, mismo! My spies in Cagayan de Oro’s mist-shrouded airport swear the next plane that landed disgorged a man bigger and taller than Boy Mike. Apparently, assurances were made, and Garci, along with his Batch of 2004, were mollified. Until the next tantrum.
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