Monday, July 24, 2006

Wrong Analogy, Rina

Sabi ni Rina Jimenez David:

IMAGINE if, after the Abu Sayyaf invaded a diving resort in Malaysia and kidnapped a number of tourists and Malaysian resort employees, the Malaysian government decided to retaliate by bombing Metro Manila and killing hundreds of civilians.

This, in essence, is what the Israeli government has done in the wake of the kidnapping of two Israeli soldiers at the Israel-Lebanon border.

Wrong analogy. Unlike the Abu Sayyaf which is a terrorist group being hunted down by our own government, there are no such actions being taken by the Lebanese gov't against Hezbollah.

In fact, Hezbollah is part of the the gov't with elected representatives and two of it's members being cabinet members (Minister of Water and Minister of Electricity).

Hezbollah has what amounts to "a terrorist state within a state" inside Lebanon. Hezbollah is the only group in lebanon that won't disarm (unlike druze, christians, sunni muslim groups), at walang laban ang Lebanese army sa kanilang firepower.

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