Thursday, August 24, 2006

Just sign the waiver, Jose Pidal

Ganyan rin ang ginawa ni Lacson nung inakusahan siya ni victor corpus na may tinatagong "billion dollar" bank accounts sa US.

Cayetano dismissed the challenge of First Gentleman Mike Arroyo to accompany him to Germany to claim the account.

"Dapat sumagot sila (Arroyos). Dalawa lang ang paraan para malaman ang totoo dito. Una ay ituloy dapat ang impeachment. Ang ikalawa ay ang ginawa ni Sen. Panfilo Lacson na pumirma ng waiver upang mabuksan ang ano mang bank account na mai-uugnay sa kanya," he said.

Kaya mabilis nabuking si Corpus, Ador Mawanay at Rosebud ay dahil pumayag siya sa na mag sign ng waiver at SPA (Special Power of Attorney) para makapag withdraw si Corpus ng $$ bilyones sa account ni Lacson, at yung bangko mismo ang nag clear kay Lacson. Lacson wrote the bank managers there to inquire about the accounts. Doon natin nalaman na peke yung account numbers na ibinigay ni Corpus sa media dahil sa acct number digits pa lang ay mali na (16 digits yung citibank account numbers ni Corpus, pero 11-14 digits lang ang ginagamit ng CITIBANK.)

Even the inquirer, whose reporter Christine Herrera went to the US with corpus to dig some dirt on Lacson, later admitted in 2003 that Corpus' "evidence" were duds, zilch:

It was Corpus who exposed two years ago the alleged multi-million dollar bank accounts of Lacson in Hong Kong and North America. But to date Corpus has yet to produce evidence.

This from a newspaper that was chiefly responsible for pushing the Lacson's hidden wealth story along with the Arroyo admin back in 2001.

See how corpus, mawanay and rosebud's tale quickly collapsed after lacson got the banks to cooperate in the investigation and his willingness to give corpus the SPA and sign the waiver?

Ito lang naman yung importanteng eh para maipakita kung sinungaling si Cayetano o hindi:
Cayetano earlier dared the Arroyos to issue a waiver to allow scrutiny of the dollar deposit with account No. 87570-23030-32100-6271-571.

Opposition sources said the account contains about $500 million.

The waiver Cayetano sought would allow any investigating agency like the Anti-Money Laundering Council to examine "deposits of whatever nature, in our name (Arroyo) or for our benefit, with banks and banking institutions in the Philippines or abroad."

Signing a waiver to prove that you do not own that German account is easier than going to Germany and go through all this rigmarole.

If lacson can sign the waiver, Pidal can do it too, no? Kung matapang ka at alam mong inosente ka, You can "do a Lacson" too.

Between the dare to sign the waiver and the dare to go to germany, mas practical at mabilis gawin ang pag-sign ng waiver para sa account na yan.

i guess we'll see who will blink first in give in, Cayetano or Mike Arroyo.

Sabi ng lawyer ni Pidal:

"This (allegation) is a dead horse...Patay na kabayo at kahit kalansay wala dito," he said.

Santos said they would file charges against Cayetano if he is proven wrong.

Since you and Mike Arroyo know Cayetano's wrong, why not file charges na, and not later? Since he's been already doing it to other journalist and critics of him and this administration.

Here's Lacson's reaction:


Was the quick and angry reaction of First Gentleman Jose Miguel Arroyo and Malacañang to Rep. Alan Peter Cayetano’s expose involving supposed German bank accounts a sign that the expose is just a story, or was it a carefully crafted spin?

Sen. Panfilo Lacson said Malacañang’s angry reaction was in total contrast to its delayed and meek reaction to his expose in 2003, where he linked the First Gentleman to the Jose Pidal bank accounts.

“The quick and angry reaction of First Gentleman Mike Arroyo and Malacañang to Rep. Alan Peter Cayetano’s German bank account expose was not in any way the same to their delayed and meek reaction to the Pidal expose. In fact it took them quite a while before denying they knew or heard of Jose Pidal, only to be confronted by a TV network’s research on the Arroyo family tree,” Lacson said.

He said the Palace’s angry response to Cayetano, which included a dare to prove his claims and a demand for an unconditional apology, may have been packaged to discredit Cayetano’s expose as “just a story.”

Cayetano had bared the accounts as part of the supposed seven boxes of evidence supporting the impeachment bid against President Arroyo. The Lower House’s justice committee ruled last week the impeachment complaint was lacking in substance.

“Was the story really a dud? Or have the accounts been carefully stashed away?” Lacson said.

Lacson also noted that in 2001, he issued a dare of his own in responding to claims of dollar accounts abroad by then top spy Victor Corpus, self-proclaimed witness Angelo “Ador” Mawanay and self-proclaimed agent Mary “Rosebud” Ong.

“I myself reacted to the Corpus-Mawanay-Rosebud dollar accounts yarn with a brave challenge to sign a waiver concerning those reported dollar accounts which Corpus rejected outright with the lame excuse of a misspelled surname in my prepared waiver. Mawanay has since recanted, Mary Ong is still in the unofficial payroll of the Arroyos while Corpus remains red in the face for being had,” he said.


  1. malamang ganon nga ang nangyari. but can we ask the german bank if an account with that number by jose pidal used to exist? o kasama yan sa bank secrecy law?

  2. Somebody commented that even if it was moved, there will still be paper trails. Walang ligtas kung talagang nandiyan. Dapat i-pursue ito...

  3. All banks by practce keep record of all depositors. Data management and storing has improved thru the years. Germany's banking system is advanced, therefore, records can be retrieved even if it had been closed.

    For sure, Pidal got wind of this evidence way before the expose. He does not have to be the one to close the account and stashed it somewhere else. A waiver would surely put them in a bind, thus they have to offer something else to cover their tracks.
