Saturday, August 19, 2006

Quick Sunday Hits: Postigo Luna

  • What is Postigo Luna's (aka COMELEC-ako) views on GLORIAGATE? Does anybody know? I heard he's a COMELEC official..

    UPDATE: I guess the answer is here, from COMELEC-Ako:

    And to add even more crap to the cess-pool, Administration allies are up in arms against Biazon for opening his trap. Why, I ask you, why should they complain when this whole political mess that the country has obsessed about for more than a year was caused by a damnable lack of solid evidence pointing to cheating -- or to the absence thereof? All allegations of cheating have so far been just that mere allegations.

    That's what Arroyo's congressmen said too. WHERE'S THE EVIDENCE??? Which is funny because Arroyo's tongressmen did everything they can to prevent the evidence from being presented. And how about trying to address some of these questions on the 2004 Presidential Elections.

    And Postigo Luna, how are you going to reform the COMELEC if you refuse acknowledge that the COMELEC was used as a dagdag-bawas machine for Mrs. Arroyo candidacy in 2004?

    More: Interesting Postigo Luna's opinion on Garci:

    The linchpin to the entire alleged plot is once again Garcillano - the one person who will never be believed regardless of what he says. For the lawyers out there, remember the Dead Man's statute? The Dead Man's Rule "bars one party of an oral contract from testifying about the agreement if the other party is dead." The theory being that when nothing is in black and white, the dead man can't contradict the claims of the living, therefore putting him at a grave (bwahahaha! get it?) disadvantage.

    Well, as far as his credibility is concerned, GArci is a dead man, making this is a great way of ensuring that otherwise shaky and unsubstantiated charges are given a bit of armor: the only person who can actually contradict it will never be believed anyway.

    who in their right mind would want to believe a guy like Garci?

    And why is his credibility "dead," just like Arroyo? Did you ask yourself that question? O baka naman sasabihin mo siniraan lang siya ng opposition kaya wala na siyang credibilidad.

    Postigo Luna says if anybody has evidence na nandaya si Arroyo or the COMELEC, they need to go to court raw. That's his stock answer. But we all know what will happen kapag idinala ito sa korte under the Arroyo regime. Tatakutin o babayaran ang judge at maki-clear ang mga kakampi ni Arroyo. Ganyan ang nangyari kay Nani Perez at Ricardo Manapat. Ganyan rin ang nangyari kay Garcillano.

    OTOH, atat na atat na habulin ng mga judges ang mga kaaway ng administration.

    UPDATE: Here's my response to Postigo Luna's comments below

  • Mabuhay kayo, Clinton John Colco and Arsenio Rasalan for telling the truth. The tribune website is back, Ninez comments on these latest revelations. But Sen. Pimentel also cautioned the opposition to check on their motives for coming out. Ellen T. sa malaking papel ni Ebdane sa GLORIAGATE.

  • Ito ang RSS feed ng temporary blog ng PCIJ.

  • More from the PCIJ on Rasalan's testimony on GLORIAGATE:

    Talking in a soft voice, Rasalan said the fraud conspiracy involved President Arroyo and “her trusted allies and lieutenants,” including the police chief at that time, Gen. Hermogenes Ebdane Jr., who was named after his retirement in August 2004 to the juicy post of public works secretary.

    Rasalan’s is by far the most direct testimony by a named individual on the post-election manipulation of election returns. In his statement, he gives a chilling account of how the fraud was done, including the deployment of 40 people to fill in precinct-level election returns (ERs) in their own handwriting. This was supposedly so that the manufactured returns would match the figures of the provincial certificates of canvass that had earlier been tampered with by former election commissioner Virgilio Garcillano.

    Rasalan says that the President and her advisers apparently panicked when presidential candidate Ferdnando Poe Jr. and his running mate Loren Legarda filed an election protest. Because of the protest, it was likely that the ERs kept at the Batasang Pambansa would be opened up. To cover up the fraud, new ERs had to be manufactured. According to Rasalan, this task was assigned to Ebdane, who in turn took in Bello to implement the presidential order. Bello, in turn, tapped the services of Rasalan.

    More here and here.

  • GMA stash in German bank bared. Opposition dares her to execute a waiver.

  • Winnie Monsod: Is the Parliamentary system really better then Presidential?

  • Ramon Mayuga on the Anti-Kleptocracy law in the US and Joc Joc Bolante.

  • Thai Editorial on Thaksin: Reconciliation about more than silencing critics. Money quote: "You can't play dirty, hit your opponent below the belt, and then scream "let's meet halfway"."

  • Loi to seek a second term.

  • Isagani Cruz defends himself against accusations of bigotry. He's just exercising his free speech rights, he says.

  • Randy David: "THE state of national emergency that Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo declared on Feb. 24, 2006 was supposed to have lasted only one week. But events in the last six months suggest a different conclusion: emergency rule may have, in fact, become Ms Arroyo’s paradigm of governance." Read the whole thing.
  • 1 comment:

    1. Hi John. First off, thank you for bringing up the points you raised.

      About my comment on Biazon, you might have forgotten to include the last two sentences in that paragraph you quoted: "Now a man comes along and offers evidence and he gets shot down? That's just plain stupid."

      See how important it is not to take things out of context? I was saying that the administration's allies were stupid for trying to shut biazon up. If he had evidence, he should have been given the chance to present it. I stand by what I said then: if there had been evidence, it would have made the garci episode an open-and-shut case. Instead, Gloria has been able to dance around her opponents precisely because they couldn't pin her down.

      John, I really didn't see cheating on a scale that would have materially affected the outcome of 2004. I think it isn't wrong to want to see proof before condemning an entire institution. Of course, if some people don't need proof, well that's fine too. After all, what sort of reformer would I be if I were willing to abdicate reason for the sake of unfounded reports? Now if Biazon had been able to show evidence, I would probably be more condemning of the COMELEC.

      Who in their right mind would believe Garci? No one. That's exactly my point. Think of it this way. You live in a house with a saint and a guy everyone believes to be a klepto and another guy. Now supposing you took the third guy's last yosi and he realized it was missing. Now I know you, John, would probably admit to taking it, but pretend for a moment that you wouldn't. Who would you blame so that you could get off scot-free? The saint or the guy everyone believes to be a klepto? You would blame the the guy everyone believes to be a klepto of course. Because no one would believe him even if he denied involvement. Garci, in Rasalan's testimony, is the the guy everyone believes to be a klepto. The man no one would believe. And Rasalan would be you, the hypothetical thieving housemate, the guy who wants to get away with a lie.

      Garci's reputation is shot because of what he has been accused of doing.

      And finally, its a pretty sad commentary on the state of things in this country when reasonable people like you, John, feel that our institutions are no longer trustworthy. That is why I am blogging. Because I hope people will see that not everyone inside the COMELEC is hopeless.

      Again, thanks very much for the commentary on my blog.
