Friday, September 01, 2006

I challenge Arroyo to reverse the MTRCB X-Rating on that Erap video

If you have nothing to be afraid of Mrs. Arroyo, then reverse that idiotic MTRCB decision giving Erap's video the X-Rating.

If the Bush administration could tolerate and allow the showing of docus and tv shows hostile to his administration, kaya rin ito ng illegitimate administration mo, Mrs. Arroyo.

Who's afraid of Bill Maher and Jon Stewart anyway, eh?

Say it with me, Mrs. Arroyo, NO. TO. CENSORSHIP.

Heck, even Arroyo sycophant Emil Jurado agrees:

Erap’s lawyers have a choice. They can either appeal for a Palace review of the rating of the documentary, or simply go to the courts, which I think they are already doing.

This means that the Erap documentary won’t be shown in moviehouses or over television. Their legal argument is that the documentary is a newsreel, and as such is beyond the scope of the MTRCB. But there’s nothing that can stop Erap from showing it over DVD nor over 3G cellphones or the Internet, not even for viewing in the provinces.

Thus, in the final analysis, it’s now up to MalacaƱang either to just let the documentary be, or simply to reverse the MTRCB decision and kill an issue that could have a backlash on the administration.

If I may give GMA unsolicited advice, she can reverse the MTRCB decision and allow it to be shown to the people. At this point in time, nothing can stop GMA from ending her term of office until 2010. It’s more than just luck, it’s Divine Providence.

"There's nothing to fear, but fear itself!" - FDR

Anyway, if you're interested, here's the "controversial" last 3 minutes of the erap video.

And here's what a "media watchgroup" had to say.

UPDATE: it looks like this has been edited, with some of the comments from the pro-Arroyo blogger micketymoc taken out for no explainable reason. Somebody mentioned lawsuit. Revisionism? Coverup? ;)

Here's the cached version while it's still there.

jher August 30th, 2006 4:25 pm
at last. I’ve been waiting for your new post. it’s worth the wait.

stepping on poop. » Now on Bare Naked Media: X Marks the Spot. August 30th, 2006 4:35 pm
[…] Want to know why it got that rating? I make a stab at finding out, and the results aren’t pretty, much less safe for work. Read Bare Naked Media to find out more. […]

Micketymoc August 30th, 2006 4:43 pm
Just in case anybody finds this libelous… this is a fucking parody. There. Hope that’s settled.

Sassy August 30th, 2006 5:21 pm
oh my gosh……

Micketymoc August 30th, 2006 5:29 pm
gosh as in, “oh gosh we’re gonna get sued?” I hope not, but I’ll trust your judgment on this one!

UPDATE: The Bare Naked Media's post is gone now. I'm disappointed.


  1. "No explainable reason"? I thought the reason was perfectly clear as outlined in my blog and in Bare Naked Media - we simply emphasized the parody content. That's all. No need for a conspiracy theory on this one, John; just because we self-edit for possibly libelous content doesn't mean the government is hushing up the blogosphere as well.


    P.S. "Pro-Arroyo"? Pleeeeeease. I only make fun of the opposition more because they give me more material to work with. ;)

  2. "...comments from the pro-Arroyo blogger micketymoc taken out for no explainable reason..."

    I removed them. They were unnecessary given the revisions. Note that I didn't touch anybody else's comments but my own.

    For the record, Bare Naked Media isn't a "media watchdog", it isn't an interest group of any kind, we don't support any particular candidate, we don't push for any cause. We've made mass media our focus simply because it provides so much fodder for discussion.

    You're free to interpret our intentions as you please. Your conclusions amuse me. Luli tells me I should sue you, but I told her to stop listening to her mom so much. ;)

  3. bakit biglang nawala ulit ang post ng bare naked media na ito around 5:50pm sept. 4, 2006?

  4. It's a group blog. The revisions are still under discussion; not all people are comfortable with explicit descriptions of pornographic scenarios, which you're still free to access through any google cache.

    I'm flattered, though, that you care so much. ;)

  5. For the record, Bare Naked Media isn't a "media watchdog"

    Here's what's written in your About Us page. I link, you decide:


    The voices you hear now – when you turn a dial, open a newspaper, or even look out your window – belong to mass media. A media who’s very good at telling us what your problems are. But lousy at telling us what their problems are.

    You have news outlets blindly follow talking points set out by the political interest who’s paying for the evening cocktails. A few reporters – more than we’re comfortable with – are too lazy to research or follow up their stories. And many news outlets willingly downplay stories because they hurt major advertisers.

    On the lighter side, TV writers are out of ideas. Movie producers are out of money. And viewers are out of luck, as we’re force-fed the crass, noisy, and ultimately nutrient-free pap that passes for the Pinoy entertainment industry.

    That’s just a short run-down of some of Philippine mass media’s problems. But where can you find a media practitioner willing to commit professional suicide and start writing about it? Someone should. And – in a fit of combined righteous anger, patriotism, self-delusion and hubris – we decided that it should be us. Hahaha.

    Mind you, we’re not here to lecture anyone. We’re not here to threaten. We’re just here to provide a counterpoint to the mass media noise that (more often than not) is often just an extension of vested interests. We’re just here to have fun at the expense of a media empire that’s gotten too loud, too arrogant, too used to power. If anybody learns anything, consider it a bonus.

    It’s like a fairy tale, with a twist: we’ll put the moral at the beginning of the story – “The Media Emperor has no clothes!” And only then, do we begin our story.

    Once upon a time…

  6. "...comments from the pro-Arroyo blogger micketymoc taken out for no explainable reason..."

    I removed them. They were unnecessary given the revisions. Note that I didn't touch anybody else's comments but my own.

    unless you have some typographical errors, you should have kept the comments, micketymoc. kasi parang may tinatago ka eh. o parang hindi ka honest sa mga readers mo.

    i think it's okay for ordinary regular joe schmoe bloggers to delete comments from their website arbitrarily.

    but in your case, you should be held to a higher standard like the newspapers you criticize since you are a "media watchdog" blog.

  7. It's a group blog. The revisions are still under discussion; not all people are comfortable with explicit descriptions of pornographic scenarios,

    My intention for highlighting your post is not for you to permanently remove it from your site, Micketymoc.

    I hope you won't accuse me of trying to pressure you to censor your blog.

    In fact, I think you should keep it and put it back up for everyone to see.

    Bong Austero (comment on Sept. 1) seemed to like the post. I wish I could link to that too.
