Saturday, December 09, 2006

Advice to Senate: Ignore JDV's threat and deadlines

If arroyo and jdv and their gang wants their unilateral CON ASS, let them. Pa dare-dare pa si Yoda de Venecia.

UPDATE: Like MLQ3, I believe the Admin allies found themselves stuck in a hole called the Con Ass and are trying to wriggle their way out of it while trying to save face. So JDV and arroyo's allies are looking for somebody to bail them out. And that somebody is the Senate, the one co-equal body they've been trying to ignore all along and want to abolish.

From MLQ3:

What the Speaker did was not quite throw in the towel or adopt a proposal for a Constitutional Convention completely. They’ve only provisionally done so (the House leadership). In truth, nothing has changed from their position from last Thursday: they said they’d give the Senate three days to participate or not, in a Constituent Assembly. Now, they’re trying to deflect attention by calling what the think is the Senate’s bluff, by saying Senate should now move on a Constitutional Convention. But -and this is how we see the House leadership’s true colors- if the Senate does not do what the House leadership wants, within the House’s deadline, then the House will go ahead and do what it wanted to do -go it alone....

The political gamble here seems simple enough: deflect public outrage by trying to pin the problem created by the House, on the Senate; try to deflate gathering public opposition not just in Metro Manila but the provinces (I’ve just returned from Bacolod and was amazed by the ferocity of outrage over what the House has been doing); prevent the House being besieged by protesters on Monday or Tuesday and Luneta and public plazas in Visayas and Mindanao being filled with indignant people next Friday; divide public opinion by dangling a reformist statement while hoping no one notices they haven’t really changed their minds or intentions.

JDV tries to act tough and threaten to pursue CON ASS if their demands were not met within the deadline by the Senate, but he knows things can go from bad to worse if he goes unilateral with this.

So I say, screw JDV and Arroyo and all tongressmen allies. I hope the Senate doesn't bail them out of their foolish UNILATERAL CON ASS.

1 comment:

  1. letter from Black and White Movement

    The Black & White Movement
    Contact: Vicente R. Romano III, 0920. 961.5610
    Media Liaison: Leah Navarro, 0917.898.1957


    They blinked. After realizing that a great number of our people were angered by their show of arrogance and hubris, the House Majority is literally dancing the "cha-cha". Like the seasoned grifters (con artists) that they are, the House Majority has once again tried to bamboozle the people into believing that they have abandoned their dreams of a Constituent Assembly without the Senate in exchange for a Constitutional Convention (Con-Con). During their press conference, they shocked the nation by issuing a "challenge" to the Senate to reply within 72 hours or the House shall revert to Con-ass as usual.

    What gall! Do they think we will meekly accept this "back step" and follow their lead? The Black and White Movement is not at all inclined to dance to this tune. We see right through their deception. They hope to pin the blame for all this trouble on a recalcitrant Senate but the truth is that they alone are truly responsible for the myriad missteps and miscalculations brought on by their greed for power, hope of No-El, and the dream for an end to term limits.

    If the House Majority were so sincere in their claims of "accommodating" an irate republic, they would not have imposed conditions and should have abandoned their illegal Con-Ass dreams altogether. It is clear they do not have the people's interests at heart.

    "Rats on a sinking ship have no right to demand which side of the ship should sink first", declares co-convenor Atty. Edwin Lacierda.

    "To restore what's left of their credibility, these Congressmen should apologize to the Filipino people for the wrongs they have committed against them and the valiant House Minority. They should return the House Rules to status quo and rethink their choice of leadership", says co-convenor Leah Navarro, "They should explain why they found it so easy to trifle with our Constitution".

    Enteng Romano, Black & White Movement lead convenor says, "We call on our people to be vigilant and not be deceived by a House Majority that seeks to perpetuate itself in power. Together with our people, we will continue with our planned week long activities in the Batasan, and around the country, culminating in the inter-faith prayer rally at the Quirino Grandstand in Luneta on Sunday, 17 December". -- END
