Monday, December 18, 2006

Ang Pagbabaligtad ni Ducky Paredes

Napansin ni npongco na nagiging pro-Arroyo na si Ducky paredes, and he wrote a letter to ducky to ask him about it.

Recently, some bloggers made comments or criticized veteran columist Ducky Paredes for his change of position. I wrote him a letter and inquired about it, and herewith is his reply which I’m sharing with everyone:

I am so disappointed in the leaders of the so-called opposition. Not
one of them has any real plans for this country. they have plans only
for themselves. Anyway, if this is the parting of the way for us, so
be it. I believe I am stil writing what I believe.

"I believe I am still writing what I believe"? heh heh. not exactly a strongly worded statement.

Anyway ducky, you may still "believe" in yourself, but I don't anymore.

bumaliktad na si ducky. matagal na nating alam yan.

I believe it was around August of 2006 that ducky became pro-Arroyo. yeah, i can still remember it. it was weird because one week he was still in his anti-Arroyo mode, the next week he became anti-opposition and pro-cha cha. the tone of his articles have changed. pinuri pa nga niya si mike arroyo sa isang article niya sa abante eh.

Para sa akin, Biglaan ang change of heart niya for this one time ducky paredes reader. It started from him suddenly become a fanatical advocate of CHA CHA around august, then naging anti-opposition at anti-senate yung column nya, hanggang naging pro-arroyo na siya completely.

he crossed over to the dark side. that's when i stopped reading him na.

and i don't buy his BS na yung opposition raw ang dahilan kung bakit siya bumaliktad.

More: One way of knowing that Ducky has changed is how he writes about Mike Arroyo nowadays.

here's his recent article re the media's countersuit against Mike Arroyo.

A Countersuit Against Mike Arroyo

by Ducky Paredes

The 42 journalists who have been sued for libel by Mike Arroyo, the President’s husband, will file a countersuit. Initial costs of the suit will be underwritten by the Southeast Asian Press Alliance of Bangkok and the local Center for Media Freedom and Responsibility, which have, together, put together P100,000.

One idea that the journalists like is to sue Mike for P87 million – a peso for every Pinoy. However, this would require a filing fee of P1.7 million and since the whole idea is to speak out for press freedom, the group will return any contributions that will come from politicians or political groups. So, without contributions from those with money to throw, how can one hope to raise millions?

The group will accept only small donations, no really large ones.

In a sense, this saddens me. We have become a people who give no quarter to those we consider our enemies and the enemies think in exactly the same way. I will not point fingers at who may be responsible for this state of things but will only state it and wish for the time when one can again shake hands with those in the opposing camp and even praise them for what they do or have done.

Too bad that those days may be gone forever.

Yeah right. Damn, I miss the old Ducky. Read this too and weep for the man we used to know as Ducky.

Anyway Compare his recent articles re Mike Arroyo to his old articles (before 2006) and you'll see the difference.

More reaction from kitamokitako:

Npongco, just a reaction to the reason given by Ducky Paredes. I, for myself, cannot believe that to be a very valid reason for the change of his tune. Almost all bloggers here have been attacking Glue, but have not changed tune and mind just bec there are no plans of the ‘opposition’. That shortcoming of the opposition is there a long time ago, but it did not stop us from punching the maldita tiyanak. I think some big deals can happen while playing golf. Well, he can have his opinion and i have mine too.

Ducky does love to play golf. Nagkakasalubong kaya sila ni Mike Arroyo?

MORE COMMENTS: This time from Anna Hill, whose letters ducky used to publish in his column.


My comments used to be an almost "regular feature" in Ducky's columns, i.e., he used to publish my posts rather frequently because I used to read his columns regularly and reacted as the went along but I can't remember exactly when his views against Gloria started to water down but when I remember that when I felt that they were "less interesting", I became a less frequent reader of his column and virtually stopped reading him except of late when he was talked about in Ellen's column.

Nevertheless, I sent him one last letter (quite recently) containing my reaction to what he had written, but he did not publish it. I reckoned, it was mainly because the contents of my letter were virulently anti-Arroyo.

I will not be definitive in my judgement of Ducky yet, suffice to say that I have observed his opinion no longer reflects his erstwhile views of the Arroyo govt.

Thanks for your input, Anna.

1 comment:

  1. John,

    On Ducky's Libel Suit piece.

    Right you are. The old Ducky would have been more scathing against Mike Arroyo.

    Why even Dik Pascual was not in a forgiving mood when he felt Arroyo had been an ugly host in Hongkong.

    If it's true that Mike has finally gotten to Ducky, woweee! Tragedy!
