Sunday, December 03, 2006

Bakit minamadali?

Bakit nila minamadali ang Cha Cha? Hindi ba ba pwedeng mag Charter change after the May 2007 midterm elections? Read this too from Ellen Tordesillas.

And this too from the tribune:

What has set off the Arroyo administration and its lawyers to react vehemently to the recent appeal of the Makati Business Club (MBC)?

The call was even one which affords to meet Gloria’s desire to change the Constitution halfway.

The MBC’s call was simply for Gloria and her henchmen at Congress to give the Charter change (Cha-Cha) train a rest until after the 2007 elections.

The call has elicited vehement reactions from chief presidential legal counsel Sergio Apostol and Socio-Economic Planning Secretary Romulo Neri, among other gallant defenders of the House of Arroyo.

The responses did not even touch on the merits or the lack of them on the postponement of discussions on Cha-cha.

What was dished out were mainly attacks on Guillermo Luz, MBC secretary general, and on the MBC being a former supporter that turned against Gloria. It was as if the country and all its political concerns are only for Gloria and those who share her booty.

The call was just even an echo of what most Filipinos have been asking. Why the rush to change the form of government when most do not even see its necessity.

Oo nga naman.

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