Tuesday, December 19, 2006

More on Ducky

Previous: Ang pagbabaligtad ni Ducky Paredes

One last thought. The difference between Ducky Paredes' political turnaround (from anti-GMA to pro) compared to the other bloggers I used to read daily like Andrew Sullivan (from pro-Bush, and iraq war supporter to anti-bush and highly critical of iraq policy) is that alam ko kung bakit bumaliktad si Andrew.

Andrew Sullivan was the first blog I read and read daily after 9/11. Thru him, I discovered other hawkish, center-right blogs that are now part of my blogroll. He was an impressive writer and a strong supporter of Bush at that time. He is also a gay conservative (rare siya.)

Alam ko kung bakit bumaliktad si Sullivan kay Bush. it was because of Bush's opposition to gay marriage. That, for Sullivan, was "the deal breaker", even though he was trying to hide it in his own blog back then.

I can understand why Andrew feels that way. I myself am supportive of gay marriage. But the most important issue for me then (and now) is still national security. Obviously for Sully it's gay marriage. Kaya unti-unti naging hostile ang blog niya kay Bush the candidate. At naging pro-kerry siya even though mababa ang tingin niya kay kerry dati.

At unti-unti kong hindi na rin binabasa siya hanggang totally tinigil ko na ang pagbabasa sa kanya.

Now kay ducky paredes naman. Matagal na rin akong reader nya. Since 2001 pa akong daily reader niya from Mondays to Saturdays sa Malaya at Abante. And I know he used to be Anti-GMA and anti-Mike Arroyo.

but what made him change his mind about the arroyos and become an attack dog for them all of a sudden? i don't know. do you know?

1 comment:

  1. Anyway, I don't know if my observation is correct but I've always seen Ducky as the most pragmatic of the original Ferocious Five opposition journalists (composed of Ninez Cacho-Olivares, Ka Mentong Laurel, Lito Banayo, Ducky, & Jake Macasaet) who were adamant in raising hell over the travesty that was EDSA Dos.

    Oh, well...it seems Ducky has finally thrown in the towel.

    pragmatic? heh. if ninez did something like what ducky did, i think it's gonna creep me out, heh heh...

    Pidal and GMA to Ducky: "you are one of us now... you are one of us now..."

    But to be fair to him, he has not changed his position regarding the Senate. He has long called for its abolition back in the day when it was still lorded over by Dorobo asslickers in the person of Drillon and his equally shameless gang. Remember the telecoms scam involving Pic Marcelo?

    he was calling for the senate's abolition back then because it is being run by a pro-arroyo lapdog majority.

    then in 2005, he became a defender of the senate nung bumaliktad ito laban kay arroyo dahil sa hello garci scandal.

    now in 2006, he's calling for their abolition again, but this time because they've become critical of arroyo and was trying to make her admin accountable for gloriagate and other corruption issues.

    flip flop flip...

    and yes, ducky called for the senate's abolition before. nothing unusual. heck, jb baylon has called for the House's abolition today. if you're pro-arroyo, you want to abolish the senate. if you're anti-arroyo, you'd rather see the House abolished.

    in ducky's case though, his intentions for abolishing the senate have changed. he was anti-arroyo dati kaya gusto niyang i-abolish ang senado.

    now, he's pro-arroyo, kaya gusto niyang i-abolish ang senado.

    that is pretty much the gist of it.
