Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Sagutin ko lang ang post ni Rizalist

From DJB:

This was the same Axis of Propaganda Pressure that successfully spooked Gloria Macapagal Arroyo into loading up the entire Philippine Humanitarian Force in Iraq into one HumVee and fled to Angeles, Pampanga with Angelo de la Cruz in 2003, after paying the terrorists a ransom in prestige and cash.

Now why would arroyo allow herself to be bullied by the Leftists media just after being "victorious" in the last presidential elections 2 years ago? It doesn't make any sense.

Hindi ba mas lumakas pa nga siya after the elections because she finally got her "legitimacy" problems solved. Take note, hindi pa lumabas ang GLORIAGATE dati. And the US, the CBCP, NAMFREL and all of civil society recognized arroyo's claim to the presidency.

I can understand if the philippine policy on iraq was reversed (or the gov't gave in to terrorists on iraq) if there's a change in administration after the elections --like spain's aznar losing to zapatero.

or if GMA suffered a disastrous midterm election spanking ala the 2006 US midterm elections when bush and the Republicans lost both the House and the Senate.

(bush not only fired rumsfeld after the midterms (after promising not to do so), but is now even willing to consider cutting and running out of iraq when it receives the recommendation from the Iraq Study Group. UN ambassador John Bolton is now out. and even Roger L. Simon thinks Bush looks like a beaten man after watching the interview with Brit Hume on Foxnews.

And the last thing we need right now IMO, is Bush going wobbly on iraq, lebanon, etc.)

But arroyo cutting-and-running on iraq after "winning" the 2004 elections?

I think your initial assessment of arroyo as manipulative schemer was more accurate, Dean.

The most vulnerable time during GMA's presidency was from 2001-Early 2004, and mid 2005-to current, when she had legitimacy problems. And when she has legitimacy problems, she tends to seek out the US to prop up her gov't.

More on Bush: Matagal ko nang sinasabi na nanghihina na si Bush. He's not as popular as he used to be. It's tough being US president under a very divisive and stressful atmosphere, and the constant criticism, ridicule and news of violence in iraq can wear any person at the oval office down, lalo na si bush, who's been there for six years na. I don't know how much more the guy can take without wobbling and still be effective.

Of course, a DJB commenter AmericanPainter called me out and said I was wrong raw:

Sorry John, but I have a different view. While it is very popular to be anti-Bush, one must be a thinker to see past irrational, impatient American public opinion. I also supported the President in the Iraq war and support him still. I don’t see him as incompetent, but instead, a strong profile in courage in doing what must be done in Iraq despite prevailing public opinion. A weaker President might pull out of Iraq and leave it to the terrorist who want exactly that. Because of Bush, we will see a rebuilt and democratic Iraq. Just hang in there and you’ll see.

Ohhh... I don't know about that anymore, AP.

UPDATE: DJB uses Maggie dela Riva's case as an example for Nicole to emulate:

MAGGIE DE LA RIVA was rising young ABSCBN television star in 1967, when she was abducted, raped and tortured by a notorious gang of young men led by Basilio Pineda and Vicencio Jose. Unlike most other rape victims, however, she decided to accuse the rapists publicly and in a dramatic series of court appearances won their conviction and death sentences.

Well, Maggie de la riva is a popular tv personality, Dean. If Madonna or Julia Roberts got raped, it'd be all over the news too with their identities revealed because of their celebrity status. In fact, it'll be on Entertainment Tonight for many, many, many days...

I was disappointed that Cheche Lazaro did not ask her other guest, Rina Jimenez David to explain her published claim that the real significance of the Nicole rape story is that it is really not about one woman and four men, but about the entire American military raping the entire Filipino nation because that is the way Americans are.

It's okay to lash out at the leftists and the Communists and the MSM, as long as one doesn't take their anger out on the victim too.

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