Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Admin and Oppo's line on Third Force

May napansin ako.

Halos lahat ng maka-administration have said na a "third force" party will "fail" because these types have done poorly in the past.

pro-admin's like bel cunanan's ("Third Force Often Ends Up Third"), ben evardone and Emil Jurado have made similar arguments like these. but take note na they're not exactly against a "third force" coming to existence.

Those opposition on the other hand, rightly feared that a "third force" will only split the votes of those who are against arroyo.

So ganito ang dahilan nila:

pro-arroyo's reasons for being "against" third force: it will "fail."

anti-arroyo's reasons for being against third force: it will benefit arroyo.

btw, from malacanang's POV, hindi magiging failure ang third force if it becomes a divisive force for the anti-Arroyo vote during the elections. it may fail in getting enough of it's people elected, but it won't fail in helping arroyo improve her chances of winning.

From MLQ3:

While Billy Esposo seems to suggest the “third force” is, really, a Nacionalista Party-Liberal Party Alliance, in other words, an old-fashioned coalition, doesn’t even seem to be holding. What does the emphasis on the veteran nature of the force, or even the evolution of its reason for being, say about what was originally touted as its reason for being -to provide an alternative? Randy David says running for elected office isn’t for him; there goes one iron-clad reason to consider a third force as an alternative.

Word. The incumbent senators of the Wednesday Group and Angara are now "the alternative"? I'm underwhelmed.

These re-electionists are not "out of the box" alternative choices. They ARE the Box.

And they need Cayetano to bolsher their core members fence-sitting record on Arroyo.

I'll let Lito Banayo take center stage:

The political wet dreamers must realize that all Malacañang needs is a credible reason to cheat the opposition of victory in a clearly opposition year. And by carving up a Third Force, they are actually giving GMA and her Comelec operators the "legal" justification to manufacture the results they want. And so, with their Third Force, guess who would be allowed to win? The malleable re-electionist senators, who will then proceed to toe the Malacañang line of reconciliation, kuno. Minus Lacson. Minus Cayetano whom the Arroyos mow hate with a passion greater than they hate Lacson. Minus Noynoy Aquino, because Tita Cory must be taught a lesson by Doña Gloria. And minus Loren, that "ingrata" who deserted them. In their stead, Comelec will proclaim Miguelito el Defensor and Migs the pretty boy from the Bukidnon wilds. Who knows, they may even get Prospero Pichay to win! And if Pichay can be made to win, why not Chavit?

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