Monday, January 29, 2007

I hope it's not too late... Risa Hontiveros Baraquel for Senator?

Okay, so Randy David, one of my favorites, has taken himself out of the Senate race.

I'm a little disappointed. I'm even more disappointed in myself na hindi ko kaagad naisipan ang pangalan na ito, aside from Prof Randy.

Si Risa Hontiveros Baraquel. For Senator. She's smart. she's telegenic. She has charisma. She looks young. She's our generation. And like Randy David, her presence on the Senate will elevate some of the issues that needed to be addressed, like the extra-judicial killings, women's rights etc, education, etc.

Yes, she is Progressive-Lefty-Liberal candidate, but this senate needs somebody as smart and qualified as her, para naman may diversity sa senado natin no?

I'd rather have her than Teddy Casino and Prof. Adel Tamano.

So how about Risa Hontiveros Baraquel for Senator, mssrs. Binay, Villar and Drilon?

Risa Hontiveros factsheet.

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