Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Latest on Ed Angara (UPDATED)

I caught this small item from Ernie Maceda:

The defection of Tito Sotto and Tessie Oreta is a victory for Sen. Edgardo Angara, a friend of GMA. Remember that GMA was the guest of honor at Angara’s book launching...

Meanwhile, from the Tribune:

Meanwhile, Angara also yesterday expressed willingness to bury the hatchet with Lacson in the name of having a common ticket for the coming May elections.

“My differences with Lacson, it’s nothing personal. It is more of the issue on principle,” he told reporters.

According to him, what they did not like about Lacson was that his colleague had “betrayed” them during the 2004 presidential elections.

But in a separate interview, Angara stressed he will not be part of the forces of UNO in taking a bid for another six-year term in the chamber or even seek a slot in its 12-man senatorial slate.

“I’m not talking with anyone from UNO to ask for a slot or a place or any other party…Maybe I am not that great to get a slot under any ticket but I have an option if I really want to, and that is an honest option.

“If the third party will succeed in being formed, that would be the middle way and I will run under that slate,” he said, stressing he is not even interested or toying with the idea of asking favors from detained President Joseph Estrada to secure a slot in UNO.

Uh-huh, as if gusto si Angara kunin ng opposition.

Pero buking dito si angara. Angara did seek to be included in the opposition ticket, but the opposition wasn't interested in his candidacy. ito yung usapan ng mga taga opposition recently, based on tatad's open letter:
Tito and Chiz Escudero provided most of the conversation, with Ernie Maceda occasinoally interjecting. mention was made of:

1. Ping Lacson, who has abandoned his earlier decision to run for mayor of Manila and decided instead to seek reelection;
2. Ed Angara, who was reported to be putting [together] a "unity ticket," but in whose behalf Loren Legarda had reportedly telephoned the President for possible inclusion in the Opposition lineup;
3. Manny Villar and his group, which includes Joker Arroyo, Ralph Recto, and Kiko Pangilinan; and
4. Drilon's Liberal Party, which was reported to be pushing for Noynoy Aquino's inclusion in the UNO slate.

No one opposed Lacson's reentry, but no one pushed for Angara's inclusion.

kunwari pa si Angara... lol.


  1. John,

    You forgot the other mole, Tatad. And even if Angara was the last to leave Erap's side, its his diary that drove the final nail in Erap's coffin. Tatad's preaching about morality is one for the books, he is now serving another dictator, just like or even worse than the first dictator he served.

  2. it's difficult to trust the wednesday group when they keep insisting on including angara in their "third force" slate.
