Tuesday, January 16, 2007

The Selection Process

Here's an interesting Newsbreak article that just came out:

Based on initial discussions, the tentative opposition senatorial lineup would be composed of candidates endorsed separately by Estrada’s Partido ng Masang Pilipino (PMP); the Liberal Party faction of Sen. Franklin Drilon, Roxas, and Sen. Francis Pangilinan; the Nacionalista Party (NP) of Villar; the PDP-Laban of Sen. Aquilino Pimentel Jr.; and independent personalities such as Lacson and defeated vice presidential bet Loren Legarda.

UNO is already composed of PMP and PDP-Laban, with Lacson and Legarda as individual members. The LP and NP have not formally joined UNO and are just in coalition talks with it.

So far so good...

One ticklish issue that has hounded the talks is the allocation of slots for the opposition parties.

Villar reportedly wanted it evenly split between the Estrada side and the coalition partners. But other Estrada advisers insist that Estrada should have priority in filling up the majority slots, he being the “real opposition,” in former Sen. Tito Sotto’s words.

Erap should only endorse candidates he likes, but not control the selection process.

And I don't think we should strictly adhere to an even 6-6 split. I think the selection should depend on who's the most experienced, most attractive, and most qualified candidates for the job.

For example, my Senate 12 pick would be considered 3-9 against the Erap camp.

Hindi pa final yung choice ko. I may include Noynoy or Koko Pimentel or Sonia Roco and take other people out.

Former Sen. John Osmeña, who is privy to the discussions, says Estrada has handpicked his son, San Juan Mayor JV Ejercito, former senators Gringo Honasan, Tito Sotto, Tessie Aquino Oreta, and Bicol Rep. Francis “Chiz” Escudero as his preferred candidates.

The NP, on the other hand, is fielding Villar, Recto, and Taguig Rep. Alan Peter Cayetano. The PDP-Laban is fielding Pimentel’s son Aquilino “Koko” III as its representative. The LP wants Pangilinan and Tarlac Rep. Benigno “Noynoy” Aquino III in the line-up.

There was initial hostility to Legarda, owing to some opposition personalities’ differences with her during the 2004 campaign (Legarda was Poe’s running mate). But Osmeña says this has been ironed out. “We are already too old to be dwelling on petty problems.”

Estrada was reportedly against Recto’s inclusion “because he was perceived to be collaborating with Malacañang,” says an opposition insider who was present in the inital talks, but the opposition figurehead finally relented.

Interesting. I don't know if i agree with it though...

There was also resistance to Pangilinan, particularly from Sotto’s camp, but this, too, has been set aside, the source adds.

I think that's a good decision.

Then, of course, there’s the issue of the two Aquinos—Tessie Aquino Oreta and her nephew Noynoy Aquino. Drilon wants Noynoy to represent the LP in the slate because he’s performing better in the surveys than his aunt. The former lady senator, however, is raring for a comeback.

I'd rather have Noynoy than Tessie in the lineup.

The strategists have left it to the Aquino family to settle the issue. The Ejercito clan is not being spared the same domestic squabble. NEWSBREAK learned that Sen. Luisa “Loi” Ejercito has changed her mind against seeking a second term, purportedly because she does not want JV, Estrada’s son by former actress Guia Gomez, to be in the Senate.

This is good news. I'd rather have Loi than JV Ejercito. Heck, I'd rather have Tito Sotto, who I think did a decent job as Senator, replace Loi than JV. Ellen Tordesillas thinks JV should continue his work as mayor of San Juan. I agree.

As we went to press, the only thing certain in the opposition coalition is that Angara is out. He has two options: join the administration camp or his fellow re-electionist senators who are thinking of forming an independent bloc during the campaign.

Nobody trusts Angara. The guy's a Palace Mole.

Whatever will be decided on, there will be some tough decisions, tough calls on the final roster of candidates. Not everybody will be happy. Somebody will be left out. But that's life.

In a text message to NEWSBREAK, Pangilinan says that “seven reelectionist senators are in the thick of discussions on the possibility of running under a common ticket….” He adds this group will “push for an independent and vigilant Senate committed to respect for the Constitution and the rule of law. All camps have expressed openness to the idea.”

This development is positive for one particular senator, Joker Arroyo, who has all but given up running for another term. The maverick senator, one of the House prosecutors that tried Estrada in his impeachment trial, has no reserved slot in the Estrada-initiated senatorial slate. Obviously, he’s not joining the administration camp.

Don't fret Joker. These things can always be negotiated. I do hope you can make it to the Coalition 12. Me putting you on my personal top 12 is a leap of faith. I hope you don't disappoint. I hope you're just a pro-(Joker) Arroyo, not a "pro-Arroyo". nyehehheh...

But if you don't make it, tough.

But Recto tells NEWSBREAK there is a “90 percent chance” that the reelectionist senators would reach a consensus on the idea of campaigning as an independent bloc. Pangilinan says “the idea has been floated to the senators and not one has expressed serious objection to the concept.”

One thing I don't like though is the idea of a so called "Third Force". To me "third force" means "spoiler", "stalking horse." And I am TOTALLY against any idea that HELPS THE ADMINISTRATION. And having Angara there in that lineup only bolsters the suspicion na "Stalking Horse" itong "third force" idea na ito. Even MLQ3 has the same opinion:

Iloilo City Boy’s entry on the latest permutations in Iolio politics points to the danger inherent in the “third force” concept (much as I’m instinctively sympathetic to the idea): that it won’t prevent an overall opposition win in the Senate, but might prevent a total administration defeat. And the same applies to many local races that we forget tend to be decided, even in the best of times, by very narrow margins.

MORE: As for Honasan or Trillanes' Senate candidacy, I'm against it. Besides, i don't think they'll win anyway. Trillanes though can run for a House seat if he thinks he can help.

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