Thursday, January 18, 2007

(UPDATE) Can we trust the Wednesday Group?

I'm having serious doubts now after reading Lito Banayo's article. And judging from the Wednesday group's recent statements about "third farce", hmmmm.... ya gatta wonder.

UPDATE: ON THE OTHER HAND, is Lito Banayo even still with the opposition? that is the question.

Article #1: Sabi ni Ducky Paredes:

Congressman Rudy Bacani has been forced to become a candidate for Mayor of Manila. He is among the many associates and advisers of Senator Ping Lacson who were dumbfounded by the Senator’s decision not to make a run for Manila’s City Hall.

I am told that Ping’s lame-brained excuse that he might be disqualified on the point of residency (he lives in Cavite) was just not so. He has actually been a registered resident of Manila for almost a year now.
Several of his close associates and advisers are miffed at Ping for not letting them know of his sudden change-of-mind before he announced this to the general public.

Among the most flabbergasted was Congressman Rudy, whose term in Congress ends in June and who had already committed himself to running as Ping’s vice mayor. With Ping out of the race, Rudy Bacani had to throw in his hat in the run for mayor, No one runs for vice mayor without a mayoralty candidate!

As for Ping’s former political advisers, most of them will not have anything to do with the Senator anymore. No one likes helping someone who will keep one in the dark about what his plans are. It is insulting to be treated in this manner.

As one who has been following Ping Lacson's career, I know that Lito Banayo is one of Ping Lacson's closest advisers. Is he one of those who doesn't want anything to do with Ping anymore? He seemed upset and disappointed about Ping's sudden announcement withdrawing his candidacy.

Article #2: Manila Mayor Lito Atienza and Mike defensor are also good friends of his.

The latest revival of the reconciliation call coming from the GMA camp, or a portion of it, sounds hollow because it is shallow.

To be fair to its chief proponents, my good friend Mayor Lito Atienza and friend Mike Defensor, they are being consistent in calling for the release of President Estrada from his detention....

Mike Defensor has always been a voice in favor of political accommodation. While many think his current revival of the reconciliation call is a mere gimmick to somehow endear him to Erap’s masa, and somehow erase his close association with a leader who after getting a supposed mandate in 2004 has consistently been suffering from negative approval ratings, I would like to give Mike the benefit of the doubt. There is a basically good heart beating beneath Mike’s breast, even if many times I have berated him in this space.

Many times in the past, Banayo did attack Defensor for his katarantaduhans. But did banayo have a change of heart with defensor after the Ping's Manila race dropout? did defensor and atienza reach out to their old friend Lito B.? Possible.

And this is interesting too.

In much the same way that the FPJ supporters are asking Senator Kiko Pangilinan to apologize for having chorused "Noted" together with Raul Gonzales in the congressional canvass of 2004, before they withdraw their objection to his inclusion in the winning slate, perhaps all Mike should do is apologize to the people for trusting a leader who he now realizes, even belatedly, to be untrustworthy. Ready for that, Mike?

I don't know if Defensor is just bullshitting Banayo and telling him what he wants to hear, but if what Mike said is true, HA HA HA HA HA HA!




Now, to this "Third Farce" article by Lito Banayo. He says he has a source inside Malacanang.

My mole in the palace who has always told me correct information in the past, says the idea is to "kill" the Erap-led "unity" ticket before it is even born. A third force composed of heavyweights will be billed as the "principled alternative", guys who were mostly at Edsa Dos, and even those who were with the fallen president but who have had a "change of heart".

I am 95% certain that the "mole" of Lito Banayo is Mike Defensor. So when you read, Lito's Third Farce article again, think of this caveat. I am not saying the article is total misinformation. But I also don't think the article is complete truth, because of the source. I'm sure Defensor did some spinning of his own to his friend Lito.

Now, as to Lito Banayo's status. Is he still with Ping? Probably not anymore. Is he now with the Administration? No. I think he's still with the Oppo, but I believe he has recently renewed his friendships with Mike Defensor and Lito Atienza and have shared information with each other.

Anyway, the question everybody wants to ask is: Did Maam Arroyo approve of these leaks, Mr. Defensor? Does Maam even know about THE LEAKS THE LEAKS!!!

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