Monday, January 22, 2007

Why I want Randy David to run

Ito yung dating Magic twelve ko. Since marami sa listahan ko ay confirmed na hindi tatakbo, like Loi, Susan Ople, Guingona, Joker Arroyo.

Joker, Loi not running:

Senate majority leader Francis Pangilinan earlier disclosed there were talks among re-electionist senators to form a line-up independent of the administration and the opposition. This triggered talks of a "Third Force."

Aside from Angara and Pangilinan, other senators eligible for re-election are Manuel Villar, Franklin Drilon, Luisa Ejercito-Estrada, Ralph Recto, Panfilo Lacson, and Joker Arroyo.

Arroyo has said he will not run. Ejercito-Estrada has reportedly decided against running.

Susan Ople not running.

Guingona not running, according to Neal Cruz. He will not run because of his age, but will help in campaigning.

So ito ang bagong slate ko:

1) Lacson
2) Sonia Roco
3) Chiz Escudero
4) Alan Peter Cayetano
5) Manny Villar
6) Francis Pangilinan
7) Koko Pimentel
8) Benigno Aquino III
9) Randy David
10) Loren Legarda
11) ???
12) ???

I really don't know kung sino ang pipiliin ko para sa remaining two slots. Kung may independent, "third force-ish" type of candidate na available diyan, stand up and be counted.

Heh, Pati nga yung National team natin sa basketbol, nahihirapang pumili ng Magic 12 nila:

NATIONAL coach Chot Reyes said he is always open to bring in new players into the national team, but admitted that those who have been working and practicing in the past have an advantage of making the final roster....

Reyes was hoping that the Fiba ban on the Philippines would be lifted and that the country could field a team in the Southeast Asia Basketball Association qualifying tournament for the Fiba Asia Championships in July, which in turn will be the qualifier for the 2008 Beijing Olympics.

He said his problem would be picking the final 12.

“This is because it’s a really tough choice,” said Reyes, who also hinted that “some popular names might be left out. We need a team. We need guys who have worked together and who we have seen can work together.”

Yung sa senate twelve naman natin, I want to see a lineup that's united, moderate, competent, diverse, and working together. Because I want my Magic twelve reflect the face of the new government after removing the divisive Arroyo.

Besides, katulad ng sinabi ni MLQ3, halos magkapareho naman "third force" list sa listahan na ina-nounce ng Opposition eh. And I think the list is not yet final.

I think then, it would be a mistake to attribute all opposition, or reservations, to the idea to “pro” Estrada or “pro” Arroyo people. Even the list he mentions isn’t very different from what the traditional opposition has so far announced. Second of all, a third force would be hard put to run a full slate, anyway. Third, my approach is based on asking these questions:

1. Which slate would at least view impeachment with an open mind, or if with a closed one, then at least in favor of a more democratic attitude, which is, to impeach?

2. Which slate would have an interest in defending the rights of the Senate (and the constituency it represents), in the face of uncooperation, hostility, etc. from the executive?

3. Which slate would be in a good position to derail any future mischief concerning the constitution?

Obviously, on all three counts, any administration slate would be disqualified: it would acquit the President at all costs, if there was an impeachment. It would roll over, die, or wag its tail in the face of executive efforts to ignore the Senate or bend it to its will; and it would participate gladly in efforts to amend the Constitution to build a one-party, unicameral, parliament.

All I know is that the list should have "Third Force" type qualities, and should be inclusive. Second, dapat isang MAJOR Opposition Senate slate lang ang itatapat natin laban sa mga kampon ni ARroyo. But I don't mind if there are small independent or third party types who want to form their own Senate slates if they want.

Third, let's not use the "Third Force" or "United Opposition" name sa senate slate natin. I suggest the name "Unity Coalition". Simple, yet catchy.

Anyway, let talk about Randy David. Bakit ko gusto siyang tumakbo bilang senador? Because I think his candidacy will be good for this country. I think he has a better chance than his colleague and fellow UP professor Winnie Monsod in gaining a seat.

Professor David is a man of the Left. But he's also one of the most respected person in this country. If he runs, he will raise the quality of the debates re Arroyo, extra-judicial killings and other issues. If he wins, he will raise the quality of the Senate to an even greater level than before.

And even though Randy David is past 50 yrs. old, I think young people, especially college students think Prof. David is cooler than Mike Defensor and "crocodile tears" CON-ASSER Miguel Zubiri... COMBINED! Randy David's candidacy will energize the entire UP community and students, and candidate Randy David will get plenty of help from student activists and idealists and other student organizations.

I don't care what people say about Randy David's chances of winning. I don't care what the "realists" say. I BELIEVE!

I hope people, especially his friends and colleagues at UP, can convince him to run for the SEnate. I hope Drilon, Binay and Villar can convince Prof. David to run.

Sir Randy, your country needs you. Sana i-consider mo ito.

UPDATE: Uh oh. From Randy David:

Should you run just because you have a good chance of winning? This is not a political question but an ethical one, says the great political theorist Max Weber: “What kind of a man must one be if he is to be allowed to put his hand on the wheel of history?” I ask myself this question whenever well-meaning friends prod me to take up a political career and cash in on the public visibility I acquired in the course of my stint on television.

They tell me: You have the right kind of training, you have progressive values and a deep love for country, and people know you. Then comes the clincher: it is your duty to run. Coming from trusted friends, these words are sweet and heart-warming. But they cannot substitute for the kind of soul-searching that Weber prescribes to anyone considering a career in politics. I am convinced that politics is not my vocation.

I won't take no for an for an answer. People close to him should try harder.

“What if I win?” asks the veteran actor Dolphy in reply to those who nudge him to spin off his long and outstanding film career into a political one. He is not only being practical; he is being ethical. In his heart he must know that, try as he may, he will not be able to do justice to the power that the public is going to entrust to him if he asks for it. Dolphy knows his limits—that, to me, is wisdom and responsibility.

If you win sir, it will be good for the country and your underdog win will be one of the best feel-good stories of the year. But even if you don't win, your participation will help bring focus to the issues that needed to be addressed.

UPDATE: Tignan mo yung reaction ni Oliver ngayon sa senate slate ng opposition, at dati.

There were no violent reactions from him nung unang lumabas ang listahan ng opposition coalition. But ever since the bullshitter Mike Defensor started talking about this being about ERap and GMA, nataranta na si Oliver.

Cuz it's not even a real Erap-GMA contest. Siguro kung snap elections ito between GMA and erap, pwede pa.

But the Estrada camp, reacting to talks of this being a proxy fight between himself and Mrs. Arroyo, reportedly laughed this off, pointing out that if it is “a real fight” that MalacaƱang wants, then all that is needed is for Mrs. Arroyo to call for snap presidential elections, and both will run to settle the legitimacy issue once and for all.

Estrada was quoted as saying the need not even go out and But campaign, as he would do it from his resthouse in Tanay, Rizal.

The former president was reported to have said that such an election between the two of them would settle once and for all the legitimacy issue hounding Mrs. Arroyo.

Besides, i didn't hear the same amount of hysterical protests when kuya manuel suggested na erap should run for Senator a few months ago (the title of his article got an initial WTF response from me). But even DJB even seconded MLQ3's proposal.

Eto yung reaction ko.

MALAYA editorial today got it right: Referendum on Gloria administration

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