Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Window Dressing

From Rego:

if you realized that the administration is working so hard to improve the economy. And the opposition is hell bent on destroying what ever gains attributable to the efforts being exerted by the administration

i think the opposition/coalition can do a better job then the administration if it abolishes the pork barrel of the tongressman/senators/and malacanang. it reduces corruption, cuz pork barrel funding is one of the most inefficient way of spending our tax money.

i think gov't needs to reduce it's wasteful spending, especially the spending that will be done for partisan purposes during the elections. if we abolish the pork barrel and reduce wasteful spending, we'll be able to give our citizens some tax relief, which in turn will lower the costs of doing business and help encourage entrepreneurs and more foreign investors to do business in our country.

arroyo is not doing that much in reducing corruption and is merely doing the minimum for window dressing purposes. nani is not charged with plunder? give me a break, ombudsgirl. i'm very disappointed na siya lang ang makakasuhan over the 14 mil impsa bribe. what about mark jimenez? what about the "malacanang residents"? i'm underwhelmed. we've already seen the slap on the wrist punishment on gen. carlos garcia.

OTOH, tho opposition coalition, having seen how the past few years after edsa dos were full of broken promises and disappointments, will do a better job in not repeating arroyo's mistakes.

and i must say, hindi naman lahat ng ginagawa ni arroyo ay mali. like having strong relations with the US, which means more foreign aid. and having strong relations with china, which means more business opportunities. i'm sure the opposition will maintain status quo on some of the things arroyo is doing right, while discarding or reforming the things she's not doing right.

(we know marcos was a dictator too and he's an evil guy, pero hindi naman lahat ng ginawa niya ay mali or palpak. it's just that the evil things he did outweigh some of the things he did right. is all.)

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