Monday, February 19, 2007

Ang Kapatiran

I wonder if the opposition could include the group "Ang Kapatiran" into it's coalition for the local elections. "Ang Kapatiran" is a civil society group founded by Nandy Pacheco. Conrad de Quiros, and the PDI Editorial had good things to say about "Ang Kapatiran." While Raul Pangalanan offers praise and some criticism.

According to the COMELEC, hanggang March 29, 2007 pa yung last day for local candidates to file their certificates of candidacy.

SECTION 5. Period for filing certificate of candidacy. – The certificate of candidacy shall be filed on regular days during office hours except on the last day, which shall be up to midnight, as follows:

For Senator – January 15, 2007 to February 12, 2007; and

For Local Officials (including Members of the House of Representatives) – January 15, 2007 to March 29, 2007.

So there's still time pa to reach out to Ang Kapatiran. I don't know if the opposition has enough strong candidates at every local district to go up against the admin candidates and their pork barrel money. If Ang Kapatiran can provide better local candidates in certain areas, then the opposition might consider removing their weaker candidate and allow the Ang Kapatiran candidate to run against the admin's candidate.

This is what I like about Ang Kapatiran's platform:

The Kapatiran would abolish the pork barrel, give the highest priority to projects and programs for the underprivileged and other neglected sectors of society, speed up the administration of justice, ensure transparency and accountability in government transactions, and promote a safe, clean and healthy environment.

According to Lacson, around 50% percent of the pork barrel money is lost due to corruption. I written about pork barrel politics in the past. if you type "pork barrel" sa search box ng technorati, you'll find lots of my posts there.

Sa nakikita ko, ang problema ng Ang Kapatiran is that they are not that well known. And their leaders are not that well known either (Pacheco, Ongkiko). They don't have a charismatic leader that can attract people to it's party, like Raul Roco. Or a leader whose ideas (economic) drove many independents to sign up for the party, like Ross Perot. Or even a well known activist who attracts a lot of media and press coverage like Ralph Nader.

The PDI editorial said na Ang Kapatiran first made it's appearance during the 2004 Elections. If that is the case, then this is news to me cuz i've never heard of them before until now. Sorry Nandy.

In the 2004 elections, the Kapatiran offered an alternative, but like most quixotic ventures, it was noticed but made only a little headway in changing the nature of the nation’s politics. This year, it is again presenting itself as an alternative in the 2007 elections.

And I have no problems with their idealism, but they've got to be smart too in order to be taken more seriously.

One other thing, I don't recall Nandy being vocal about asking for Arroyo's resignation or impeachment nung sumabog ang Gloriagate scandal. We need for him to clarify where he stands on the issue.

But as long as they are pro-reform, and willing to impeach arroyo, then they're welcome.

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