Wednesday, February 21, 2007

BongBong esposes Joselito "Peter" Cayetano as a sham KBL candidate

From the Tribune:

Lawyer Oliver Lozano and his nuisance senatorial candidate Joselito “Peter” Cayetano were yesterday exposed as a fraud by Ilocos Norte Gov. Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr., after the late strongman’s son submitted a certification to the effect that one Joselito “Peter” Cayetano was not a member of the political party Kilusang Bagong Lipunan (KBL), where Marcos sits as its president.

Lozano, interviewed on ANC cable TV’s Prime News last night, failed to explain satisfactorily his claim that his KBL-endorsed candidate from Davao, was rejected by Marcos, claiming later that Marcos was not the KBL president, but one Vicente Millora, whom he says is both president and chairman of the party.

He then claimed that the KBL he is aligned with is the Millora wing, not the Marcos wing, even as this was never stated before the issuance of the Marcos certification denying the membership of Joselito Cayetano which was shown by Rep. Alan Peter Cayetano to the media.

The congressman, who is running for a Senate seat under the Genuine Opposition (GO) ticket, showed the Marcos certification to the media, to prove that the other Cayetano perjured himself when he filed his senatorial candidacy at the Commission on Elections,.

Lozano went ballistic and accused the news anchor, Ces Orena-Drilon of bias and charged her with asking him leading questions, insisting that in the end, it will be the Comelec that will decide on whether Joselito Lozano would be disqualified.

More from Lito Banayo:

Some jerk from Davao happens to be a Cayetano, and he is whisked off to Manila to file his certificate of candidacy for senator of the realm. Mysteriously, he claims "Peter" as his nickname, even if his Christian name if Joselito. Por San Jose na por San Pedro pa? And the moribund KBL suddenly springs to life in the person of Oliver Lozano to embrace him as one of them.

Quite clearly, it is a brazen attempt to steal the votes of oppositionist Alan Peter Cayetano, whom the First Gentleman and his brood hate with utmost passion. Write "Cayetano" or write "Peter Cayetano" in the ballot, and your vote is null and void. "Stray" because it defines neither the real Cayetano you want elected, or the unknown impostor.

And just because the impostor Cayetano, who is called "Ju-ju" by his neighbors in Davao, belongs to "an established and registered political party", the Comelec chairman says there might be problems disqualifying the impostor. Is he laying the legal predicate for the most ridiculous of decisions? Huwag naman sana, or this early, we might as well give up on elections, and march in the streets.

UPDATE: Here's the interesting part. Yung isang nuisance candidate na si Teodoro Aquino, ay tinaggal na ng COMELEC.

Rodrguez stressed that there is a precedent, as the Comelec had thrown out the senatorial bid of one Teodoro Aquino, who also purportedly aims to muddle the electoral chance of opposition senatorial bet Benigno “Noynoy” Aquino III.

“If the Comelec junked the senatorial bid of this Teodoro Aquino, why not Joselito Cayetano’s? Between the two, (Noynoy) is much better since he has a following compared to Joselito, who has none,” he said.

Rodriguez appealed to Comelec Chairman Benjamin Abalos Sr. to prove true his vow that he wants to leave a “good legacy” to Filipinos when he retires from his position in January 2008.

But Rufus, they did not do it for Noynoy, but for Tessie Aquino.

And the Tribune Editorial continues to "undermine" the credibility of the COMELEC:

Comelec Chairman Benjamin Abalos Sr. could have gained a bit of credibility for his election body, had he promptly disqualifed the nuisance bet Joselito “Peter” Cayetano, said to be running under the KBL party.

That he is a nuisance bet who has been fielded by another nuisance bet, lawyer Oliver Lozano, to sabotage the chances of Rep. Alan Peter Cayetano’s electoral victory is undeniable. That the Arroyo spouses want Cayetano out of Congress, due to his constant criticisms of the presidential couple, is just as undeniable. And that Abalos is toeing the presidential line is just as evident.

And as this issue is up, there goes Gloria’s attack dog, the Injustice secretary, coming up with a citizenship issue against the congressman, a move that is no different from Gloria’s ploy against FPJ, the opposition standard-bearer in 2004 whom Gloria cheated massively.

But there are enough legitimate reasons for the Comelec to disqualify this Joselito Cayetano.

It has been proved that this nuisance KBL bet from Davao has never been known to his friends and neighbors as “Peter” but as “Jojo.” Also, it has been found that he had falsified his certificate of candidacy with his claim that he is a marine engineering graduate of some school, when he is not.

Then too, Rep. Imee Marcos, who should know about the KBL party, has come out to state that this fake Peter Cayetano is not a member of the KBL.

Yet Abalos huffed and puffed at the congressman who was seeking the disqualification of the nuisance Cayetano, saying just because Alan Cayetano was ranking high in the surveys, or that he has the Cayetano name does not mean he has a monopoly over the Cayetano name, insisting that Joselito Cayetano cannot be disqualified since he belongs to a legitimate political party, the KBL.

What a justification Abalos comes up with. If that is the Comelec’s measure of approval or disapproval of a senatorial bet, then any crackpot named say, Recto, Arroyo, Escudero and Aquino running under a discredited party would have to be approved by the Comelec.

But then again, the Comelec, under Abalos, wouldn’t dare approve the candidacies of any “nuisance” bets with the same surnames of the Gloria bets, as evidently, the plan is to destroy the electoral chances of the opposition bets, never of the administration bets.

The Editorial ends with this parting shot:

What is also clear to the electorate is that the Comelec under Abalos appears more than willing to become an integral part of the Gloria cheating machine.

Yet Abalos is only one vote in any en banc decision. For the Comelec as a body to agree to approve the candidacy of the nuisance bet Joselito Cayetano means that even those so-called “independent” appointee-commissioners whom One Voice lauds, appear to be willing to participate in these cheating operations. There goes any hope for the Comelec to regain even a shred of credibility and respectability.

Siguro hindi fair yung criticism of One Voice, pero legit ang criticism laban sa mga COMELEC officials na ito.


  1. Ano ba naman yan, wala na bang original dito kay pandak? Puro fabrication, pati evidences ay fabricated. Pati itong si Lozano, fake na KBL. Baka naman yung KBL niya ay Kawalanghiyaan ni Bolerong Lozano. Registered by yan sa COMELEC?

    As for Abalos, we all know he's a puppet of the moral pygmy. What astonishes me is how he flaunts his stupidity and his idiotic reasoning. Wait till the opposition wins the lower house and then he can join his master, both will be impeached.

  2. yung senatorial nuisance candidate ng mga Arroyo at ni Lozano ay isang kargador raw sa pier, at hindi isang Marine engineer.
