Sunday, February 18, 2007

PDI: The Opposition is being "Outlied"

Sabi ng PDI Editorial:

The supposed trump card of the administration is the economy. Reli German said statistics don’t lie -- and no oppositionist called his bluff by pointing out the repeated instances President Arroyo herself was caught wanting to fudge statistics for cosmetic effect. Never mind being “outgunned, outgooned and outgold” -- the opposition is even being “outlied.”

I've already posted some of Arroyo's re-jiggered stats on Unemployment and the Poverty.

And now, the admin even wants out of Transparency International's corruption survey, a clumsy attempt at damage control in order to remedy the dismal corruption perception issues under Arroyo.

But I'm not surprised by this. If the admin can manipulate the results of elections to suit it's boss, it can certainly manipulate some of the statistics too to make everything look rosier.

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