Thursday, February 01, 2007

So this is what Esposo meant by a viable "Third Farce" party

He said joe de venecia (the architect of the recent CON ASS and the biggest trapo of them all) should enter into a coalition with the so called third farce:

Don’t you find it odd that House Speaker Joe de Venecia (JDV) is actually pushing for a bill that prohibits or sanctions party turncoatism? Can you believe it – that the very architect of the Rainbow Coalition, which banded together even incompatible political personalities and parties into a united front for self-perpetuation, now wants to penalize party traitors?

Rainbow Coalition is political doublespeak for privilege membership to the exclusive club of administrative perks and pork barrel. As the high priest of political maneuver, JDV has effectively sacrificed public welfare and interest by eliminating check and balance. Instead, public interest and welfare has been swept under the dirty rug of horse trading – the scratch my back and I’ll scratch yours variety. Joe operates on the premise that every congressman has a price. And based on results, he seems to be almost 90% correct!

No, a divine lightning of enlightenment didn’t strike Joe on his way to Batasan Hills much like Paul on the road to Damascus in proposing to sanction party turncoats. Joe is actually fighting his own personal battle, one that seems altogether distinct from the survival pitches of his own Lakas-CMD party.

Following Joe’s fall from grace due to the aborted attempt to ram Constituent Assembly (Con-Ass) down our throats, Madame Gloria Macapagal Arroyo’s personal political party, Kampi, has been poaching on Joe’s Lakas-CMD. What is worse for Joe is that a very strong candidate – Benjie Lim – is poised to run against him in the First District of Pangasinan and I’m told that Lim is a hands down favorite to beat Joe.

Dagupan City is the single biggest chunk of vote in the First District and Dagupan is Benjie Lim’s bailiwick. There is reliable feedback that former President Fidel V. Ramos is siding with Benjie Lim in a Lim versus JDV contest.

But Joe is not the type who will go down quietly. What if Joe and Lakas-CMD enter into a coalition with the emerging third force? Can the administration run at full throttle with just Kampi powering it?

So ganito pala ang alternative na gustong isubo ni Billy Esposo sa atin. More of the same shit.

to me, Esposo's "idealistic," high falutin claims na the third force is a wonderful "alternative", "good-for-the-country song-and-dance spiel" is nothing but more of the same trapo coalition, pero "independent" raw sila.

Just because JDV has now "seen the light" and is pushing for a self-serving "anti-turncoatism" bill (to prevent KAMPI from further canibalizing LAKAS' ranks), doesn't immediately make Yoda a credible "alternative" against ARroyo or Erap, Billy.

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