Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Additional thoughts on Satur's case

1) How can Satur be involved in these killings when he was in jail at the time these murders were committed?

2) And even if Satur was guilty (and i don't think he is), hindi ba may amnesty na para sa mga dating communista back in the 80s, where they get a fresh start and a clean slate, as long as they lay down their arms and participate in the political process? As long as they don't commit any acts of terrorism or murders after receiving the amnesty, they shouldn't be persecuted for some of the things they may have done in the past.

So, has the admin provided any evidence to show na these party listers were involved in the current extrajudicial killings that are still taking place today (or are involved in NPA-like or Al Queda-like terroristic plots)? Sa nakikita ko, wala eh.

3) Why not file charges vs. Fidel Ramos and Enrile too? Weren't they the implementors of Marcos' Martial law? Maraming human rights abuses rin ang nangyari nung panahon na yon. I'm sure they-- as the left and right hand man of Marcos-- ordered the abductions, arrests, the killings and tortures of many anti-Marcos dissidents during the 70s and 80s too. Why not arrest them too? Oh! because they were finally part of Edsa 1986, kaya wiped clean na rin ang slate nila?

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