Sunday, March 11, 2007

Here's a sign na magkakaroon ng MALAKING dayaan sa eleksyon 07

It's about COMELEC's bloated voters list. I have to thank Sen. Drilon for noticing this last year.

After reading the linked post above. REad this one. Then connect the dots.

Hey, I'm just sayin... ;)

UDPATE: Hard to believe this, but James Jimenez once defended COMELEC's crazy 49 Mil voter projection.

Now, where did this 310 ++ thousand established precincts projection come from? This number comes from the projected increase in the number of registered voters from about 43 million in 2004 to about 48.6 million (49 million if you round up) in 2007; that's only an approximately 6 million increase in voters.

He used the NSO "projections" (but didn't this admin failed to collect data for it's 2005 census?) And you're using their fuzzy data to push your crazy estimate?

NSO Projections

Speaking of projections, I might as well tell you that our voter projections are based on the National Statistics Office's "medium assumption population projection." Under this model, the NSO predicts that there will be 88,706,300 Filipinos by 2007, and that 61% of that number will be of voting age: 54,110,843. However, taking into account that not all people of voting age are interested in voting, the COMELEC estimates the number of registered voters to only be 90% of that number, or 48,699,759; rounded up to 49 million.

So, can we register 6 million new registrants between end of Q2 and the 31st of December 2006? We could, but we don't expect all 6 million to come register.

The "estimate" itself is ridiculous, James. 49 Million?

The 49 million registered voters in 2007 is an estimate. It is not graven in stone. As a matter of fact, the number of registered voters eventually included in the 2007 list of voters can be more or can be less than that number; probably less. The point is, such a projection does not indicate fraud and it was incredibly irresponsible for the Tribune to frame its story in that manner.

"Can be more"??? What were you smoking, James?

This doesn't look good for COMELEC too:

Gloria was hoping against hope that her Charter change (Cha-cha) train will reach its no-elections (No-el) station and so she purposely jumbled, to her advantage of course, the timetable of her Comelec’s printing of ballots and other election paraphernalia for the May 2007 mid-term polls.

Now, her stooges at the election body are telling us that they may have to tap outside printers to print the ballots, as well as election returns (ERs), certificates of canvass (CoC) and statements of votes (SoVs) for the mid-term polls a little more than two months away.

A Gloria boy at the Comelec the other day claimed that they will need at least three to four months to produce a total of 45 million ballots, presumably for as many voters and a number that defies demographics.

Then, this agency made more infamous by “Garci” and his clones should have begun printing the election paraphernalia at the start of 2007, at the latest, to beat their deadline, as it was clear at the time that the Cha-cha train was doomed.

But Gloria and her Sigaw ng Bayan and Ulap clique were incurable optimists, for the wrong political reasons, in that they were already clutching at straws and yet thinking they were clinging to bungee ropes that will safely bring them down to No-el land, which scenario they had conjured up for Gloria to rule until she is really old and really gray.

Thus, the printing of the poll materials was conveniently delayed at the behest of MalacaƱang.

Worse, the Comelec executive director also claimed that “circumstances we cannot determine right now” had not been considered to fall within the three to four months’ completion of the printing of the poll paraphernalia.

If Gloria’s gofers in the Comelec do not think ahead for them to be able to take control of these “circumstances,” the reason behind such “excuse” is that Garci’s favorite textmate does the thinking for them.

With outside printers being mulled to save the mid-term elections, expect a repeat of the cramming by the Comelec in 2004 when Abalos was reported to have jobbed out printing of ERs, CoC and SoVs to private groups, paving the way for excess printing of such documents and eventually the massive fraud in the presidential elections that saw Gloria “win.”


  1. They say that they assumed that new voter registration will reach 8M but why a few only registered? The promotion of the Garci lieutenants and the appointment of Ebdane sealed the fate of the May elections.

  2. As mlq3 would say, bastusan na talaga. We'll just have to see how far they can get away with these schemes without something blowing up in their faces.
