Friday, March 16, 2007

The Idiots at the COMELEC

When Oliver Lozano's and his protege, Joselito juju Cayetano, failed to show up at the COMELEC hearing on March 7, 2007, they should have disqualified Lozano's nuisance candidate right then and there:

Senatorial candidate Joselito Pepito “Peter" Cayetano did not show up on Wednesday’s hearing on his disqualification case at the Commission on Elections (Comelec), QTV’s Balitanghali reported.

Genuine Opposition (GO) senatorial candidate Alan Peter Cayetano filed a disqualification case against his namesake, after the Comelec last week, included Joselito in the list of 37 candidates given “due course" to run for senator.

Only the daughter of lawyer Oliver Lozano, Evangeline showed up at the hearing.
Evangeline said Joselito and his father could not make it to the hearing as they were campaigning in Roxas City....

Allan was with the opposition’s spokesperson Adel Tamano, campaign manager San Juan Mayor Jose Victor ‘JV’ Ejercito, senatorial candidate Benigno ‘Noynoy’ Aquino III and Florencio Abad.

Campaigning my ass.

You know what i think, papatagalin ito ng COMELEC for as long as possible. This BULLSHIT dirty tactic by pidal and the fools at the COMELEC is meant to damage and slow down Cayetano like what arroyo's forger manapat did to FPJ on the citizenship issue.

I do think GO should have a united stand against the COMELEC on the cayetano nuisance candidate issue. Everybody, nonyoy, ping, loren, villar, roco, everybody should be condemning the COMELEC for their partisan fealty to the Arroyos. You can't let Pidal and abalos get away with this nonsense. Boycott the elections if need be. Look, if the mike arroyo and his COMELEC cronies are allowed to get away with this nonsense. tapos na ang boksing. might as well pack up and concede defeat.

that's my opinion.

this IS a test on how much the administration can get away with their dirty tricks this election. katulad rin ito ng nangyari dati kay mayor binay (where the oppo and the anti-gma groups succeeded in thwarting pidal and arroyo's plans to cripple binay's candidacy.)

And now, we are faced with another test, where one popular member of the opposition is being screwed by the COMELEC. I fear the Opposition is failing the test on Cayetano. If they don't put pressure on the COMELEC to overturn their idiotic decision, well tapos na ang laban. I'm not going to support the opposition anymore. Because I'm not going to support a group of spineless people who can't even fight for one of their own.

if GO fails this one, if they don't fight for Cayetano, then they don't deserve to be elected. period.

Previous: The Nuisance Candidate Strategy Works!

1 comment:

  1. Alan should have been out campaigning too. Juju's absence only showed he is not a serious candidate but a pest. An honorable man never sells his soul no matter how impoverished he is.
