Sunday, April 29, 2007

Pacquiao slams Darlene over Pork and Impeachment

Sinapak niya si Darlene Custodio over the Impeachment of Gloria Macapagal Arroyo, and for not bringing home the Pork Barrel funds to her district.

First off, a significant majority of the people believe that Arroyo and Garci stole the elections, and that she should step down. Impeachment is another constitutional way to remove her from office. Unless Manny prefers an overthrow of the government ala edsa dos.

Second, the reason why there's no pork for her district is because she's with the opposition and she voted to transmit the impeachment complaint to the senate, Manny. I guess maam doesn't believe in accountability. But she believes in getting back at her critics by withholding the money for their districts.

But don't worry Manny, kahit na walang natatanggap na pork si Darlene for the last two years, she was still able to raise enough money for the people in her district.

The boxer had earlier lamented what he called the lack of development in General Santos City, simply because Custodio's politics had been getting in the way of the pork barrel.

But even without the allocation, Custodio said she was performing a more important role in standing up against the Arroyo administration.

"I am the voice of my constituents," she said.

This is not to say, however, that the lawmaker was all talk.

In the absence of the pork barrel, she said she still managed to raise more than P1.5 billion worth of development projects in General Santos City. She noted that this amount easily dwarfed the congressional Priority Development Assistance Fund, which is around P60 million annually.

Custodio said the projects, intended to expand the fish port in the area, were effectively insulated from possible interference by MalacaƱang because they are foreign-funded.

Last year, she negotiated a project with the National Irrigation Administration, but the government-owned agency later withdrew from the project allegedly because of Custodio's intense criticism of Ms Arroyo.


Pero sa issue naman ng pagtakbo ni Pacquiao, i've already gave my opinion here. Kung gusto talaga siyang patakbuhin ng Arroyo administration para patalsikin si Darlene, then that's his choice.

But I doubt he can concentrate on both his boxing career (which by all recent indications he is not yet ready to give up) and his potential new career as administration Congressman. May magsu-suffer diyan. I agree with 91% of the public na he should concentrate on boxing na lang for now. People of South Cotobato who don't want to see manny pacquiao get sullied or used for dirty politics by Mike Arroyo and Chavit Singson, and want their idol to concentrate boxing, should vote for Darlene.

Kasi pagdating sa boxing, Manny is pretty much his own man. God given ang boxing talent niya. He knows what he is doing inside the ring against the opponent.

Pero pagdating naman sa political ring at local issues, the guy obviously needs help. And he is getting help. But relying on the corrupting influence of Mike Arroyo's handlers to pull the strings behind the scenes may not be the best for everyone.

UPDATE: Man, Manny Pacquiao has made some questionable and reckless personal decisions in the past. Great boxer, but horrible decision maker.

UPDATE: Before deciding on becoming a candidate for congressman, Manny Pacquiao, with Lito Atienza's prodding, considered running for vice mayor of Manila first, to boost Ali Atienza's popularity and chances against the frontrunner candidate Ping Lacson. Ali Atienza is Lito A's son.

So, hindi first choice ni Manny ang South Cotobato.

UPDATE: Sabi ni Schumey: "He may be a brilliant boxer but a lousy person."

There's some truth to that.


  1. He said in an interview that; "Ilalampaso ko ang kahit na sinong itapat sa'kin."

    He also denied that he fathered a child but refused to undergo a DNA test.

    These shows what kind of person he is. He may be a brilliant boxer but a lousy person.

  2. He also denied that he fathered a child but refused to undergo a DNA test.

    he should have been man enough to acknowledge his son from another woman and continue to give the kid child support. responsibilidad niya yan eh.

  3. As of today, the people of General santos City are now perhaps decided for their next congressman. and i still believe that they will choose Cong Darlene Custodio as their legitimate representative-- "isang tunay na kinatawan at taas noong maipagmamalaki".

    Tulad din ng mangyayari sa Makati na kung saan ay tapos na din ang election( casting of votes na lamang ang kailangan sa May 14).

    Hinahangaan ko po si Pacquiao ( sa larangan po ng boxing). Sana po ay huwag lamang magkamali sa pagpili ng inyong kinatawan. Please vote wisely.

    Mario from Australia

  4. Hi, please correct spelling: it's CoTAbato and not CoTObato. Thanks!
