Wednesday, April 11, 2007

A vote for TU is a vote for the status quo

Status Quo = cheating, corruption and abuse of power.

Tama si Rina Jimenez David:

Commentators have since characterized the elections as a battle of “machinery vs. popularity,” since candidates in the Genuine Opposition slate have regularly dominated the list of winners as gathered by public opinion polls.

But when Lakas and the President say they are counting on “machinery” to see them to victory, they are actually saying that they are banking on the old, traditional and discredited way in which political power is distributed and wielded in this country. They are counting on mayors and other local officials, including traditional “ward leaders,” to brandish their influence and thereby compel voters to follow their dictates. They are also counting on the network of watchers to protect votes not just for local positions but, hopefully, for national candidates as well. “Machinery” might well include a network for “massaging” votes at the upper levels of the Commission on Elections (Comelec), which is why many smell something fishy in the refusal of the administration to compel the Comelec to test computerized voting and counting in some cities and towns, as required (and funded) by law.

A vote for Team Unity, then, is a vote for the “status quo,” for the way politics is structured in this country, as merely a way of redistributing largesse and perpetuating the elite’s hold on power and privilege.

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