Monday, August 06, 2007

Michelangelo Antonioni films on TCM Asia

TCM pays tribute to Michael Antonioni (1912 -2007) this thursday night by featuring two films directed by him.

Blowup (1966) - Aug. 9, 6:30pm, Aug. 10, 2:30am, Aug. 10, 4:30pm

Zabriskie Point (1970) Aug. 9, 8:30pm, Aug. 10 4:30am, Aug. 10, 10:30am

I've seen Blowup before, and I'm going to see it again this Thursday. Great film.

Blowup (1966) Antonioni

From AlfieHitchie:

When Alfred Hitchcock met with novelist Howard Fast (Spartacus) at Universal Studios in late 1966 to discuss a film (probably the unfilmed Kaleidoscope) and their daily round of discussions began. "My God, Howard!" Hitch exclaimed early on. "I've just seen Antonioni's Blowup. These Italian directors are a century ahead of me in terms with technique! What have I been doing all this time?" And with the uncharacteristic admission of the need for revaluation, Hitchcock continued to watch every film of 1966 in his private screening room.

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