Thursday, September 27, 2007

Stonewall Neri

I think he made a mockery of the so-called bombshell expose he was about to deliver. The guy did a one-man stonewalling job, using the dreaded EO 464 to gag himself.

From the Uniffors site:

The little shit hid behind executive privilege all day, refusing to reveal any more than that he reported the bribe offer to Gloria.

I must admit I was too distracted, enjoying too immensely, the skewering of Abalos I did not catch on to Neri immediately.

It was Ping Lacson who finally exposed Neri.

Lacson realized that Neri was not going to budge from his executive privelege position so he offered Neri a way out. If he couldn’t talk because of executive privilege then maybe Bondoc could do it for him, considering that he was a source of many of Bondoc’s information.

So Lacson asked Jarius Bondoc how many times he talked to Neri and if he was willing to reveal what they talked about.

Jarius replied, ‘yes but I have to ask Neri’s permission first.”

Lacson then asked Neri if he would permit Jarius to reveal the contents of their conversations.

Neri replied, ‘I will not grant permission.’

That’s it, I told myself. Neri was sent to rat on Abalos. He didn’t go to the Senate to tell the truth. He went there to throw Abalos to the wolves…

Obviously, nakalamang ang admin sa EO 464 ruling ng Supreme Court ni Arroyo. It's obviously a great tool to keep people from talking or telling the truth.

I knew the SC's decision on EO 464 and Proc 1017 was bullshit from the very beginning, but some people back then were giving kudos to the SC for their "shining moment."

Read this too from DJB.

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