Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Villegas did the right thing?

Eto sabi ni John Nery:

"But it is also possible that it was Villegas who did the right, the EDSA thing, and those who criticize him now because of his role in reuniting Doble with his real wife in Camp Aguinaldo who have proved inconstant."

that's only true if you believe the other tale floated during the seminary standoff that doble was "abducted" and held against his will by samuel ong and bishop bacani.

(UPDATE) THE MILITARY has turned over custody of intelligence agent Vidal Doble to the police to facilitate the investigation and the eventual filing of charges over his alleged "illegal detention" at the San Carlos seminary.

Police on Tuesday fetched Doble and his family from the Intelligence Service of the Armed Forces of the Philippines (ISAFP) compound in Camp Aguinaldo and whisked them off to the Police Anti-Crime and Emergency Response (PACER) headquarters in Camp Crame at around 3:30 p.m.

"This will be a laborious, long process but the PNP [Philippine National Police] is prepared to undertake this role of investigation," Chief Superintendent Leopoldo Bataoil, spokesperson of the Philippine National Police, told reporters. "Whatever this leads to, that will be the basis for filing charges against whoever will be identified."

Aside from the alleged abduction, the investigation would also tackle "all other related cases that may arise later," Bataoil said.

Read this too from the Sunstar.

Wednesday, June 15, 2005
Bishop denies 'detaining' military 'wiretapper'

"HE WENT there on his own free will".

Bishop Teodoro Bacani issued the statement in reaction to reports that churchmen who "detained" T/Sgt. Vidal Doble face arrest and charges in court.

Doble had been tagged by of former National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) deputy chief Samuel Ong as the one that wiretapped the alleged conversation between President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo and Election Commissioner Virgilio Garcillano.

Doble earlier said he was being held against his will at the San Carlos Seminary.

Bacani said Doble went to the seminary to seek protection of the church ahead of Ong.

Rashma Hali, COMELEC whistleblower, also accused Harriet Demetriou and Rufus Rodriguez of kidnapping and detaining her.

More from the Manila Times:

THE lawyers of the opposition Koalisyon ng Nagkakaisang Pilipino on Saturday accused Malacañang of harassment to prevent them from disclosing more electoral irregularities during the congressional canvassing of poll results.

Harriet Demetriou said she and fellow KNP lawyer, Rufus Rodriguez, had been charged with grave coercion and illegal detention because they were lawyers of the opposition’s presidential candidate Fernando Poe Jr.

“This is political persecution. This is not prosecution,” Demetriou, a former Sandiganbayan associate justice and former Commission on Elections chair, said in a press conference at Club Filipino in Greenhills, San Juan.

The election officer of Tipi-Tipo in Basilan, Hadja Rashma Hali, claimed that Demetriou and Rodriguez had forced her to make an affidavit alleging election anomalies in her hometown.

Demetriou said she went to the office of the Criminal Investigation and Detection Group Friday afternoon to get a copy of the affidavit, but was not given any.

“They could not give me, the prime suspect, a copy of the affidavit, but a lawyer of K-4, Grace Maderamente, has copies which she distributed to the media. Nakapagtataka! [Unbelievable]” she said.

Pero hindi ba si Rashma ang topic of conversation nina Garci at GMA kung paano siya patatahimikin? Wasn't it even discussed during the Garci conversations at one point re the option of kidnapping one of Hali's relatives para hindi siya magsalita?

UPDATE: More from Nery:

Every now and then, I hear people complain about the quality of Senator Panfilo “Ping” Lacson’s exposés. In sum, the complaints say: “Kulang.” There may be a gun there somewhere, but it certainly isn’t smoking. Perhaps it’s because his exposés are prepared by ex-journalists and designed to meet journalistic, not legal, standards of evidence.

Almost six years ago, Lacson stood up in the Senate to accuse Jose Miguel Arroyo of running what the former police chief called the “Department of the Underground.” Lacson’s privilege speech came almost exactly a year after Teofisto Guingona’s “I accuse” speech, which famously led, two months later, to Joseph Estrada’s impeachment trial.

I was still editing “Talk of the Town” then. On Oct. 21, 2001, I took the liberty of comparing the two speeches. I wrote: “He [Lacson] uses media-savvy phrases: no parallels in history, the Department of the Underground, the President’s bed, and so on. And his main argument against Mike Arroyo’s Department of the Underground makes for great audio: ‘Its essence is to make the First Gentleman an honorable person before the camera. And off camera, it is to bring him the juicy slices of the bureaucracy.’”

I concluded: “The speech is vivid in language because it is vague on the evidence.”

It wasn't six years ago. Lacson's speech was made during August of 2003.

So how were you able to compare the two speeches (guingona's and lacson's) on oct. 21, 2001?

re the "kulang" part of lacson's evidence, well, kulang nga dahil na "rescue" ni mike defensor si mahusay hindi ba. So nawala ang witness ni Lacson. In other countries, what Defensor did would be considered "obstruction of justice" and "witness tampering."

So, bumaligtad si mahusay. Just like Doble and Rashma Hali. And Lacson was accused of illegally detaining Mr. Mahusay.

(then we later find out after the "rescue" na yung brother ni udong ay na-appoint bilang presidential adviser on region 9.)

UPDATE: Related stuff from Lito Banayo:

Why don’t the KAGABAY ask their friend Medy Poblador to tell the truth? No, not about her personal life, some tidbits of which have been the object of text messages. Those are absolutely irrelevant.

What is relevant to us all, and I hope even to short minds, should be her now unraveled central role in the events of June 10, 2005, when Sgt. Vidal Doble of MIG-21, ISAFP, was spirited away from San Carlos Seminary by Bishop Socrates Villegas, whom Medy fetched by government helicopter, to be "united" with his family who were under heavy guard by no less than the chief of staff of the Armed Forces of the Philippines, General Efren Abu and his deputy, Edilberto Adan, inside his official residence.

That information has been corroborated by the good bishop of Balanga, tutored by the Dominicans. His letter to the Senate verified the truth of Doble’s recollections of this lady named Medy.

And while we’re at it, when did Remedios Poblador, who traces her ancestral kinship to the Borbons of Batangas, whose most distinguished member is Gaudencio Cardinal Rosales, Archbishop of Manila, become undersecretary of the cabinet, assigned to the Presidential Legislative Liaison Office? A recently resigned cabinet member says it was certainly not before she was appointed to a post which allows one to sport a No. 12 car plate. Her "heroic" efforts at purloining Doble from San Carlos, along with making representations to her "Tito Padre", el arzobispo, was probably one of her "just" rewards, he said. That must be why Ricardo Saludo now post-facto says she did what she did "on her own initiative".

But everybody who knows the inner court of the stinking palace beside the stinking river, and I trust Ricardo Saludo is one, knows that Remedios Poblador has been as close a friend of the short one from Day One of the usurped regime.

MORE: Thoughts from Ninez on Bishop Villegas and Bacani.

UPDATE: John Nery responds.

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