Tuesday, October 09, 2007

"Executive Privilege exists in every part of the world, but it exists to protect secrets, not hide crimes."

More than that, true enough “executive privilege” exists in every part of the world, but it exists to protect secrets, not hide crimes. There’s a difference. Psychiatrists and lawyers are bound to secrecy, too, but they are freed from it when their clients tell them about a murder they propose to commit. Then they are duty-bound to do everything in their power to prevent it from happening, including telling the proper authorities of it. Even priests are freed from the confessional when someone tells them he means to bomb a bus. The priest in any case does not limit his response to telling the penitent to recite 10 Our Father’s, Hail Mary’s and Glory Be’s, and go in peace.

Word. Read the whole Conrado de Quiros article.

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