Friday, October 05, 2007

Where is Sen. Alan Cayetano now?

Sabi ni Manuel Buencamino:

But here’s why we take Alan Peter Cayetano to task.

Remember those two impeachment hearings in the House? Remember how he and Chiz Escudero, led the charge for truth and all that against overwhelming odds?

Well, where the fuck is that crusader now? He didn’t even put up a fight.

I don’t know if this is the same Alan Peter Cayetano that we elected to the Senate so we would have someone to look out for us. Maybe the man we think is Alan Pater Cayetano is really Juju Cayetano, the fake candidate who ran for senator last May. That’s the kindest thought I can have for him right now.

Come to think of it, I’ve never seen Juju and Alan Peter in a picture together. Maybe because they’re one and the same now. Peke.

The guy's been taking his orders from opposition/administration Party boss Manny Villar--ang 2010 candidate na namamangka sa dalwang ilog. Cayetano lost his independence after getting elected.

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