Saturday, November 10, 2007

Loony Rep. Kucinich offers bill to impeach Cheney

Dems don't like the move and tried to stop the bill by tabling the motion, a move that effectively kills the debate on the pending issue. But Kucinich got suprise help from the Republicans who supported the Kucinich bill in an effort to embarass their Democrat colleagues.

From the NYTIMES:

WASHINGTON, Nov. 6 ? It is hard to know which effort has longer odds, the bid by Representative Dennis J. Kucinich, Democrat of Ohio, to become president of the United States, or his bid to unseat Vice President Dick Cheney by impeaching him.

Both efforts got a brief burst of publicity on Tuesday when Mr. Kucinich brought his bill to impeach Mr. Cheney to the House floor and, with the surprise help of Republicans aiming to embarrass Democratic Congressional leaders, nearly succeeded in securing an hour of debate.

After a motion to table Mr. Kucinich’s bill failed , the majority leader, Steny H. Hoyer, Democrat of Maryland, stepped in with a motion to refer the bill back to the House Judiciary Committee. That motion succeeded, by a near-party-line vote of 218 to 194, and spared the Democrats a potentially embarrassing distraction.

House Republicans initially opposed the effort to debate Mr. Kucinich’s impeachment measure, and briefly there were 290 votes in favor of tabling it.

But then the Republicans sensed an opportunity to irritate the House speaker, Nancy Pelosi of California, who has said the Democrats have no interest in impeaching Mr. Cheney or President Bush over the Iraq war. The Republicans began changing their votes, and by the end, the tally was 251 to 162 not to table it, with 165 Republicans voting no.

Grrr... those evil republicans!

MORE: An old MLQ3 post tries to compare our situation with the US, pero mali ang basa niya, IMO.


  1. Kucinich only looks loony. But compare him with Republicans Romney, Giulliani and Mc Caine and aal of a sudden he makes an awful lot of sense, especially about the Iraq war.

    What Ameica needs is a debate among different minded people, not like-minded pols who crowd around the middle.

  2. Kucinich only looks loony.

    Here's what his Democrat colleague has to say recently about Rep. Kucinich.

    But at he's got a hot wife from the UK.
