Saturday, January 26, 2008

If McCain loses in the primaries...

it's not going to be because of Iraq, or on immigration.

it's going to be because of the economy. Because a) the economy is slowing down. b) he's going up against Mitt Romney, the successful businessman/governor of Massachusetts in the GOP primaries.

BUT if McCain manages to survive and secure the Republican nomination, he'll win the General Elections over whoever the democrats nominate (Hillary or Barack), because a) he has better national security credentials and b) because clinton and obama have no experience in running a business, a company or a state either.

I admit that Mitt also looks stronger now vs Democrats because of the economy.

Maybe Bill Safire's right, McCain should get this guy for vice president if becomes the prez candidate (Or maybe Barack will get the guy first?)

UPDATE: From CNN's Youtube debate. what mccain's looking for in a vice president:

Cooper: Senator McCain, has this president given too much authority to the vice president?

McCain: Look, I am going to give you some straight talk. This president came to office in a time of peace, and then we found ourselves in 2001.

And he did not have as much national security experience as I do. So he had to rely more on the vice president of the United States, and that's obvious. I wouldn't have to do that. I might have to rely on a vice president that I select on some other issues. He may have more expertise in telecommunications, on information technology, which is the future of this nation's economy. He may have more expertise in a lot of areas.

But I would rely on a vice president of the United States -- but was Fred said, the primary responsibility is to select one who will immediately take your place is necessary. But the vice president of the United States is a key and important issue, and must add in carrying out the responsibilities of the president of the United States.

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