Thursday, January 17, 2008

Romney is McCain's biggest threat to the nomination

I really do think that Romney is the only guy in McCain's way for the nomination. A McCain win in South Carolina would be great, but ending up in second place won't be too bad, as long as McCain beats Romney in the number of votes tallied there.

I'm not so worried about Huckabee because he's just unacceptable to most republicans on foreign policy. He's a disaster when he talks about Iran, Iraq, or Pakistan.

Many conservatives like Fred, but Fred is such a weak and uninspiring candidate that most Republicans will side with McCain if they're the last two man standing.

And Rudy's candidacy is dead, I don't care what his supporters or advisers think.

So McCain needs to focus his fire on Romney. Take him out of the race in SC and Florida. While Fred attacks Huckabee to draw evangelicals away from him, McCain needs to focus on national security while trying to neutralize Romney's advantage on the economic issue.

The romney tactic on using the economy is just a sample of how the democrats and mainstream media will de-emphasize iraq and use the slumping economy issue to their advantage.

Romney's a good manager, but what Americans need is a commander in chief.

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