Saturday, February 02, 2008

McCain-Romney '08 ticket

Crazy idea, i know since McCain doesn't really like Romney personally. But this is the best way to reconcile with conservatives and unite the party, I think. McCain can show that he can wage a spirited campaign (sometimes rough) and still shake hands with his opponent in the end.

McCain can try to reach out to people like Rush or Sean Hannity, but I don't think they will be swayed. Just look at this for example. The most that McCain can do is to go to their radio show and take the tough questions. Earn their grudging respect--even without the love.

I don't think Rudy wants to be a Veep, but maybe i'm wrong. Maybe there's already a deal in place?

But I still think the technocrat Romney will make a better VP, because dealing with economic issues is one of his strengths, and the US is headed towards a recession raw.

Huckabee would be useless as a VP choice because most conservatives hate the guy as much as they hate McCain. Choosing the silver-tonged Huckabee for vice president won't endear McCain to the conservatives and won't help his candidacy in the general elections.

Fred Thompson is meh. Pass.

I know McCain and Romney are the political odd couple, but look at JFK-LBJ. Look at Reagan and Bush Sr.

More here from Innocent English who has similar thoughts. More here.

REad this too.

UPDATE: Roger L. Simon: Is Romney Angling for Veep?


  1. I have two concerns about Governor Romney. First, considering the disatrous experience he had with the healthcare system in Massachusetts, I don't know if he is the best advocate for Republicans in the Universal healthcare debate. Second, from Iowa to Florida he had a very consistent record of being not helpful to the Republican party.

  2. i have two concerns about Governor Romney. First, considering the disatrous experience he had with the healthcare system in Massachusetts, I don't know if he is the best advocate for Republicans in the Universal healthcare debate.

    and mccain had a disastrous (almost fatal) attempt at pushing for immigration reform.

    there are only two main issues in the general elections: the economy and iraq. healthcare will only be a side issue for the democrats, just as immigration is for the republicans. romney's success in the business sector, the winter olympics, plus his experience in public office as governor of massachusetts will be a tremendous asset, especially if the economy becomes the primary issue of the elections.
