Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Cardinal Gaudencio Rosales' "Theology of Crumbs"?

From Asianews:

Manila (AsiaNews) – In four years Card Gaudencio Rosales’ “theology of crumbs” has enabled the Filipino Church to raise 161 million pesos (about US$ 3.5 million) for development projects in favour of the country’s poor. After collecting 25 centavos from parishioners and others, the archdiocese’s fundraising project is financing some 80 projects nationwide without government aid....

While some companies and individuals gave a lot of money, most of the donations were 25 centavos coins, said Henrietta de Villa, a Pondo ng Pinoy director.

Collections are growing each year and are not likely to slow down, like a “miracle.”

Theology of Crumbs eh? Pshhhh....! Ever heard of the "Theology of PAGCOR"?

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