Friday, July 04, 2008

”Alam mo tinawagan ako niyan sa hatinggabi at inutusan ako aprubahan yung Impsa.”

What Nani Perez said to Tito Guingona during a cabinet meeting

In that linked article, I think Ellen remembered wrong about the "Big Boy" part. Here's what she wrote:

This is a good time to recall the IMPSA deal. A paper trail provided by international anti-money laundering agencies traced $2 million dollars in Perez’ bank account in Switzerland. Former President Estrada alleged that the $2 million could be part of the $14 million that was also offered to him through businessman Mark Jimenez who helped broker the IMPSA deal.

Rumors about how the $14 million was divided say that a few million dollars was given “to the boys” and a hefty portion was given to the “Big Boy”.

The minimum amount involved for a person to be charged with plunder is P50 million. The $2 million is almost P100 million. Yet Perez, rumored then as Arroyo’s favorite cabinet member, was charged only with extortion.

Here's what Mark Jimenez said back in 2003, according to the Philippine Star:

Jimenez, in his privileged speech at the House last year, claimed actually releasing $14 million in kickbacks in exchange for the approval of the IMPSA power deal. The Manila lawmaker was later extradited to the United States to face charges of mail fraud and illegal campaign contribution.

The IMPSA contract was approved four days after President Arroyo assumed the presidency in January 2001.

Of the $14-million bribe, Jimenez claimed $2 million went to Perez, $1 million “for the boys” and $4 million to Malacañang “residents.” The remaining $7 million remains unaccounted for.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks, John for remembering the details of Mark Jimenez disclosure of the distribution of the windfall from Impsa.
