Tuesday, November 18, 2008

GMA pushes for limitations on press freedom at the UN

In a recent event at the UN that got little coverage from the local media, Gloria Macapagal Arroyo was seen pushing the "RP model" her administration concocted as the new standard for press freedom.

Consider one key draft resolution at the event. Introduced jointly by the Philippines and Pakistan, it openly seeks to limit press freedoms. Sure, as read by Philippine President Gloria Arroyo, the language pays lip service to the notion of freedom of expression.

But the document then goes on to emphasize the "special duties and responsibilities necessary for the respect of the rights or reputations of others, protection of national security or of public order, or of public health and morals."

Translation: Don't even think of publishing those Danish cartoons or anything even close to them. And forget about questioning authorities in places like, say, Riyadh.

Or don't go after people like Mike Arroyo and Co. And people need to stop making documentaries that "undermine" people's faith and confidence in the duly constituted authority.

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