Wednesday, March 17, 2004

Fear is what drove Spanish voters to capitulate to Al Queda

It is true that most Spanish voters are against the war in Iraq, but it is interesting to note that before the bombings, most surveys from (from February to March) indicated a good win for Aznar's Conservative party even though everybody knew Aznar and his successor Mariano Rajoy were pro-US, pro-Iraq War.

(The Conservatives were expected to get 170 seats (6 short of a majority) and the Socialist 140 seats.)

OTOH, Zapatero ran as an anti-Iraq War, anti-US candidate. His campaign rhetoric were... Bush and Blair "lied" about WMDs, this war is "illegitimate", Iraq is a "disaster"... let's move away from the US alliance and rejoin the French-German axis... he debated Rajoy on the Iraq issue...

But the Iraq issue didn't really help Zapatero that much with the voters before 3/11.

So how did Zapatero end up winning the election?

Two words: Fear and Cowardice

The Spanish voters feared of another potential Al Queda Attack so they Cowardly voted Zapatero in to appease the terrorists.

Thank Spain, for surrendering on behalf of the Western World.

Mas magaling pa ang Pilipinas kaysa sa Espana. Mga bakla kasi kayo eh.

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