Monday, March 15, 2004

Al Queda Topples Spanish Government

This is a bad day for the forces of good. A short-sighted and cowardly decision on the part of the Spaniards defeated Aznar's Party and installed an anti-war Socialist candidate as their new Prime Minister.

I'm sure Al Queda is thinking... hey, if we can successfully affect Spain's election to our advantage by killing their people, maybe we can do this to other countries too that support the US but have an overwhelmingly anti-war population, like the UK, Italy, Australia and other european countries...

That would be bad.

But would it work on the US elections? NO. Sixty-percent of the population still support the war. And that's the only issue (NATIONAL SECURITY) keeping dubya afloat in the polls.

He gets a lot of thumbs down on all the other US domestic and social issues.

Second question... would this al queda strategy work on the Philippine elections, where not only Filipinos are overwhelmingly pro- Iraq war but also pro-American?

The answer is NO again. If there's a large scale terrorist attack on Philippine soil by Al Queda, most Filipinos will correctly blame them for the atrocities and not President Arroyo.

Besides, why would Al Queda get involve in our elections when GMA is already losing big to the front-runner FPJ? Their terrorist actions might only backfire and spur people to rally around GMA.

But I wouldn't be surprised to find out if our corrupt pro-GMA military officers, some of whom had ties with abu sayyaf and MILF, were found to be planning similar type attacks on the civilian population and then go blame it all on al queda/abu sayyay/jemaah islamiya -- to generate sympathy for president Arroyo before the elections.

Sadly, those types of situations are not impossible or improbable in the Philippines.

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