Sunday, March 14, 2004

US Elections "October Surprise" won't be about Bin Laden but WMDs

When David Kay issued a report a few months ago stating that his team had not found any WMDs in Iraq, Democrats immediately pounced on this info and used it to justify their claim that "Bush Lied" about the existence of Iraq's WMDs.

[Never mind that there was a consensus among the intelligence communities around the world (US, France, britain, Germany) before the war that Saddam had WMDs.]

Even though most anti-war democrats are now taunting bush for not producing Iraq's WMDs, the Bush administration is not yet giving up on finding some.

Even John Kerry, in this TIME interview, admitted that we may yet find these weapons of mass destruction.

Now, why am I still talking about WMDs when many Democrats now believe that have never existed in the first place?

Well, remember when some Democratic partisans floated a rumor that this year's "October Suprise" will be Bin Laden's capture?

Nice conspiracy theory, but I have a different prediction.

I believe Bush's "october surprise" will be the discovery of Iraq's WMDs and what happened to them.

Is it crazy? Yes, but many democrats also believed the same crap about the Bush admin hiding Bin Laden and were only waiting to announce his capture before the elections...

So anything is possible... ;)

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