Saturday, October 30, 2004

Afghan Terrorists learned their lessons from GMA's weak-kneed response to terrorism

Alam na nila kung sino yung dapat kidnapin (at anong nationality) para mapaluhod nila ang isang bansa.

ANOTHER Angelito has put the Philippines into another situation where we may have to again shed all pretensions to being a proud nation. Terrorists in Afghanistan have kidnapped diplomat Angelito Nayan with two other UN workers.

It is, of course, not Angelito's fault. The thing is, since we gave in to the demands of the terrorists who took a Filipino in Iraq, whoever took Angelito in Afghanistan will take it very hard if we were to not completely give in to their demands. We have written a role for ourselves as the doormat of the world. There is no other way than to accommodate these Afghan terrorists. Imagine how they would feel if we did not kiss their feet considering how easily we caved in to the Iraqis who were holding a truck driver. Angelito is a diplomat!

Nayan, a junior foreign service officer, has been seconded to the Joint Electoral Committee connected with the UN Assistance Mission to Afghanistan. He must be a protégé of Foreign Secretary Alberto Romulo since he was on Bert's Senate staff.
Mullah Ishaq Manzoor, commander of a breakaway Taliban faction known as the Jaish-e-Muslimeen (Army of Muslims), says that he has taken them and that he has taken them out of Kabul.

There have been no kidnappings in Afghanistan. This is the first one. Obviously, the Afghans have learned their terrorist lessons from the Iraqis. Expect that a threat of a beheading will soon follow. And then, what will Gloria Arroyo do? The last time, she groveled at the feet of the terrorists and we were fired from the Coalition of the Willing.

What if they tell us to leave the United Nations or else?

I wouldn't be surprised if "Iron Lady" Gloria surrenders again, Duckster.

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