Friday, October 29, 2004

GMA rating down to -67% in the Surveys

Nobody trusts this bogus president anymore:

President Arroyo's net satisfaction rating has plummeted to minus 67.9 percent, according to the IBON Foundation's October survey.

Of 1,355 respondents, 76.33 percent said they are not satisfied with her performance, 8.46 percent said they are satisfied while 15.21 percent were undecided.

Last April, Arroyo's net satisfaction rating was at 30 percent, which means that her rating plunged by 37.9 percentage points in six months.

The survey, conducted Sept. 19 to Oct. 4, has a margin of error of plus or minus 3 percent.
She'd have a difficult time governing this country kung hindi siya credible sa tao.

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