Sunday, November 14, 2004

So, the "Palace mole" is finally getting his reward

I knew it. Ping Lacson was right all along about Ed Angara. He is a palace mole whose main job was to destroy and divide the opposition during the last election.

Congrats, Dictator Angara, now go get your reward from Pikachu.
Rep. Sonny Angara, son of the senator, however, appeared to contradict the claims of Bunye and confirmed that his father had indeed met with Mrs. Arroyo, House Speaker Jose de Venecia and Senate President Franklin Drilon on Oct. 20 this year, to talk about Mrs. Arroyo's offer of a Cabinet post, saying “they (Mrs. Arroyo and congressional leaders) invited my dad to a government of national unity,” Rep. Angara said.

“The talks are still at the exploratory stage,” he told members of the United Opposition during a meeting of the opposition members and leaders late Friday night.

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