Tuesday, November 16, 2004

Why not charge Gen. Garcia with Plunder?

Why not?

For the second straight day, Malacañang yesterday slammed the door on the media in connection with a recent challenge made by an opposition senator for the government to book embattled Maj. Gen. Carlos Garcia for plunder before a civilian court, not for mere adminis-trative charges involving violation of the Articles of War before a general court martial or mere perjury before the anti-graft court Sandiganbayan.

Ignacio Bunye, Mrs. Arroyo's spokesman and concurrent Press Secretary, refused to face reporters, which apparent disappearing act Palace insiders said had been prompted by Senate Minority Leader Aquilino Pimentel Jr. daring Malacañang last week to have Garcia answer charges of plunder, a non-bailable capital offense, unlike perjury.

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