Saturday, June 25, 2005

Last Minute GLORIGATE news

Arroyo allies Battlecry: End the GLORIAGATE Hearings!

Stop the Rallies! Call the Snipers!


LITO Atienza closes Roxas boulevard to accommodate thousands of couples kissing themselves silly before the cameras. Yet he would not allow a few thousand protesters to march from Welcome Rotonda to Liwasang Bonifacio. How much more distorted could hizzoner’s values get?

Well, Atienza is only running true to form. No Manila mayor save perhaps Ramon Bagatsing during martial law has been more shamelessly obsequious to MalacaƱang. We don’t know why. The city can stand on its own without the support of the national government. This is the reason the likes of Arsenio Lacson and Antonio Villegas, in their own distinct and inimitable ways, were seen in their own time as the second most important political personage in the country after the president.

Perhaps it’s because Atienza and Gloria Arroyo share the same values, for example, their opposition to family planning. Whether this springs from an equally shared contempt for the Bill of Rights is an open question. But at the rate they are trampling on the rights of dissenters, they may yet end up as the Mutt and Jeff of petty tyranny.

And read this Lito Banayo article too on Gloria's spinmasters and loyal allies having sleepless nights. Funnee!!

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