Saturday, June 25, 2005

Must Read Article from Ninez Cacho Olivarez

I'm posting the entire article here.

When Malacañang released two compact discs claiming that one was original and the other doctored, Gloria Arroyo and her aides' intent was, to first, cover up the crime, and second, to confuse the public, as they knew there was, somewhere, the long-playing CD, containing much more than that which Malacañang released as the “doctored” tape. The claim then was that the crime of wiretapping was committed, which was a breach of national security. This was already then a clear admission it was Gloria Arroyo on the tape.

The trick would have saved her, so they thought, because the National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) was under Gloria's control — except that a TV station was enterprising enough to have a CD in its possession analyzed by a local audio expert, who on that same day, stated that the voices on the tape were not tampered with.

By the time the NBI came out with the results of the testing, it had no choice but to state that the two Malacañang-released tapes were both tampered with. The NBI, however, hid the fact that the Malacañang-claimed doctored CD's tampering went only as far blurring out by injecting a noise background the more incriminating words spoken, as well as editing out completely certain conversations. The NBI also did not state that the conversations in the Palace-claimed “doctored” tape were authentic, while the Malacañang-claimed original, which it said held the voice of a political leader called “Gary,” for Edgar “Bong” Ruado, were spliced to fit into the Malacañang-scripted conversation as a cover up, only saying that the female voice on the “doctored” tape was the same as the female voice on the “original” tape.

By that time too, lawyer Allan Paguia came up with another abridged CD, with annotations from him. Again, it was clear that the Palace claimed “doctored” CD and Paguia's CD had the same female and male voices, except that there was no noise injected in Paguia's CD version to blot out the incriminating words.

Former NBI official Samuel Ong surfaced, saying he had the mother tape, after which, more CDs of longer versions as well as their transcripts flooded the country, while the Arroyo aides quickly threatened anyone and everyone with charges of wiretapping, and then inciting to sedition, to sedition.

At this point, it is clear that the wiretapping charges hold no ground, since Gloria herself refuses to admit it is her voice on the tape, while Virgilio Garcillano has been “silenced” by Malacañang. Since there is no complainant, owing to their silence and denials, there can be no wiretapping — nor even charges of piracy in the manufacture of the CDs.

Despite this, the allies in the House of Representatives continue to stonewall the playing of any tape, even if all of them have already heard the tapes privately and they even make a fuss about being overruled by the high court, as they may have committed a crime. This is being said with a straight face by the Gloria allies, despite the fact that not too long ago, they willingly gave up their sole power to impeach a high court chief justice!

So why is there such a resistance to play the tapes — all different versions of these in Congress?

Because Reynaldo Wycoco claims the tapes have “mutated” and that no authentication can be made since the original, or mother tape is not with the NBI, which has clearly been into covering up the crime by not even officially testing the Paguia tape, or even all the other versions which have been making the rounds.

Wycoco spews out a lot of crap. One does not need a mother tape to authenticate voices or test whether there was splicing or dubbing and he knows it — not in this digital age.

So why are Malacañang and its allies in Congress so scared to play these tapes?

Elementary. Whether the short or the long version, whether the annotated version or the Malacañang-claimed “doctored” version, what would be heard by the nation is that all of these taped conversations would have one common denominator: Gloria's and Garcillano's voices on the tape.

The longer version of the CD would reveal other voices in the tapes, but all referring to poll fraud.

Only the Malacañang-claimead “original” would have a different male voice which will prove that Bunye's “original” CD was heavily “doctored” to cover up the crime and by having Ruado read a scripted version to replace Garcillano's voice as well as Mike Arroyo's voice insertions to change, among others, his cuss word of p__ng ina to a mild “putragis.”

What then are the Gloria allies in Congress doing, if not being accomplices to the crime of Gloria Arroyo and Garcillano by covering it up?

And they call themselves the representatives of the people?

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